现在才知道中国人真面目地某位中国人 A Chinese who just realized the true nature of the Chinese

The tradition of the Chinese people is stealing,Their theft is systematically mobilized from each individual to companies such as Huawei and state agencies.The Chinese are proud to believe that the more their stealing techniques develop, the more their country develops. 中华民族的传统是偷窃。他们的偷窃行为从每个人开始,到华为等公司、国家机关,都动员起来有组织地进行。中国人相信他们的偷盗手法越发达,自己的国家就越发展,感到很欣慰。

中国人戴着爱国的面具,否认真相,害怕,被驯服服从谎言 Chinese people wear patriotic masks, deny the truth, are afraid, and are tamed to obey lies

在中国,说真话是被禁止的,然后进监狱。 只能说中共想要什么。 张展出狱了 张展因报道在中国刑4年后获释 这种现象尤其在中国的年轻人中发生得更严重,四年前这个人报道新冠疫情发生和现在的进行情况时,中国的年轻人在网上集体把她拍成是被谎言和序数贿赃的假记者,越骂越是被当作真正的中国爱国青年的喜剧。 这种现象现在越来越严重,中国共产党的洗脑教育和煽动、媒体控制确实有效果。 也许中国共产党会更加努力进行中国人的洗脑教育,中国的青年们以后也更不能分辨被狂热的煽动和爱国心。 在他们后面能看到带着满足的黑色微笑的共产党的脸。 In China, telling truth has forbidden and go to jail. Only can say what CCP want. Zhang Zhan is freed from prison in China after 4 years for reporting on Covid-19 This phenomenon is especially severe in young people in China. Four years ago, when this veteran […]

中国人的野蛮和暴力性正在代代相传给那些孩子 The brutality and violence of the Chinese are being passed down to the children2

This vicious cycle will continue until the Chinese are civilized 这个恶性循环会持续到中国人文明化为止 在漫长的几十年里,虽然老一代中国人普遍受教育程度低,洗脑不文明。但21世纪以后,中国的孩子和年轻一代面临着严重的洗脑、文明不文明、不道德和残忍行为问题 For a long decades, It was though generally the old generation of Chinese is low educated and brainwashed and not civilized.But the Kids and young generation of China has severe problem of Brainwashed, poor civilization, immoral and cruel behavior after on 21’st centuries

中国骄傲的服用兴奋剂的游泳运动员名单 China’s Proud Dopped Swimmers list

德国公共广播联盟ARD调查两年后制作的纪录片,曝光了23名被检测出曲美他嗪阳性的中国游泳队选手里的一部分,包括: – 东京奥运会冠军张雨霏,杨浚瑄,汪顺 – 世界冠军闫子贝,王一淳 – 2023年最佳男子游泳选手,200米蛙泳世界纪录保持者覃海洋 还有……毒王。 孙杨. A documentary produced two years after an investigation by the German Public Broadcasting Union ARD exposed some of the 23 Chinese swimming team members who were tested positive for trimetazidine, including: and … The king of Doping Sun Yang

习近平加强教育孩子们崇拜他 Xi strengthen to educate children to worship him

亲爱的中国人民:永远不要崇拜权力,但要热爱你的国家。永远不要被权力所管理,而是要有自己。让您的孩子远离权力黑手。睁开眼睛看清被洗脑的生活 Dear Chinese Peoples,Never worship power but love your Country.Never be managed by power but have yourself.Keep your child away from the black hand of power.Open your eyes through brainwashed life

中国命令运营商从网络中移除美国芯片China orders operators to remove US chips from networks 偷窃是中国的传统 Stealing is a Chinese tradition

中国似乎已经开发出了新的”标记”技术。 他们像中国一样,用西方芯片组重新标记”中国制造”。中国似乎已经开发出了新的”标记”技术。 他们像中国一样,用西方芯片组重新标记”中国制造”。 It Looks like China has developed new “Marking” technology. They re-marking “made in China” with western chipset as China does always. 据报道,中国官员要求运营商在2027年之前从他们的网络中移除外国芯片,这对英特尔和高级微设备(AMD)来说都是一个明显的打击。 Chinese officials reportedly told operators to remove foreign chips from their networks by 2027, in an apparent blow to both Intel and Advanced Micro Devices (AMD). https://www.mobileworldlive.com/greater-china/china-orders-operators-to-remove-us-chips-from-networks/?utm_source=flipboard&utm_content=MobileWorldLive%2Fmagazine%2FMobile+World+Live https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/china-bans-intel-and-amd-cpus/ar-BB1kwkhJ https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/12/24128342/china-intel-amd-chips-telecom-providers-ban

中国人世世代代传下来的”美丽行动”。”Beautiful behavior” passed down from generation to generation in China.

孩子们看着他们的父母和社会跟着做 Children see and imitate their parents and society 中国人绝对会选择比自己弱的人来表达愤怒。 特别是中国男人有对孩子、女人、老人、下级的人行使暴力的传统习惯。 中国人绝对服从比自己强的人、有钱人、有权有势的人。 他们是猪还是狗? 看到中国的儿童和青少年出生后,通过父母、家人、社会所看到和学到的行动,2024年的中国,这个国家的未来非常暗淡。 Chinese people express their anger by choosing an opponent who is absolutely weaker than them. In particular, there is a traditional custom for Chinese men to use violence against children, women, the elderly, and people of lower ranks. Chinese people never […]