下陷的道路、倒塌的建筑、倒塌的桥梁:中国品质再上一个台阶。Sinking Roads, Collapsing Building, Falling Bridges: Chinese Quality is on Another Level. This is “Made-in-China” 这就是“中国制造

中国人被洗脑了“中国是一个优秀的领先科技国家” Hebei, a popular bridge’s suspension cable snapped and the bridge deck caught fire.This bridge opend Sep. 28. 2023Everywhere There Is Tofu in ChinaHighway Bridges Dangerously UnderminedAccusations of Systemic CorruptionLack Oversight causing Infrastructure to Collapse 河北一热门桥梁悬索断裂桥面着火. 该桥于 2023 年 9 月 28 日开放中国到处都有豆腐公路桥梁受到危险破坏对系统性腐败的指控缺乏监督导致基础设施崩溃