我不能什么都不去想。 如果你说了什么,你就进过监狱或精神病院。无话可说也是一种犯罪。如果你无话可说,就会被当作你对我们的政权不满意

i can't have nothing to think about. if you say anything, you've been in jail or mental treatment hospital.We're in an era only allows praise, having nothing to say is…
i can't have nothing to think about. if you say anything, you've been in jail or mental treatment hospital.We're in an era only allows praise, having nothing to say is…
新的经济计划不会结束通货紧缩,即使他让总理靠边站 A new economic plan won’t end deflation, even as he sidelines his prime minister https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/03/06/xi-jinpings-hunger-for-power-is-hurting-chinas-economy All of China is going reverse to it's Mao's era after Xi emperor came…
The Asian Flu in 1956 killed between one and four million people worldwide. SARS in 2002 infected 8,098 and killed 774 in seventeen counties. H7N9 emerged ten years later to strike…
https://www.19fortyfive.com/2023/03/china-must-pay-for-covid-19-lab-leak-or-not/ 事实上,中国政府鼓励往返中国的航空旅行照常进行——即使北京下令实施严格的内部封锁并将武汉置于“战时控制”之下。 如果北京的任何人早于他们正式承认这种疾病,世界可能已经减缓甚至遏制了这种传播。 China’s regime encouraged air travel to and from China to occur as normal—even as Beijing was ordering strict internal lockdowns and placing Wuhan under “wartime controls.” Had anyone in Beijing officially…
Police have launched a manhunt for a Chinese national who they believe is responsible for the death of a 22-year-old Thai woman at a hotel in Bangkok. 警方对一名中国国民展开了搜捕,他们认为该华人对一名22岁的泰国妇女在曼谷一家酒店死亡负有责任 — Read…
Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of Crime and Corruption Millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in tax havens. 离岸金融记录的大泄漏暴露了全球范围内的犯罪和腐败数以百万计的文件显示,国家元首,罪犯和名人使用避税天堂的秘密藏身之处。…
The virus already spreading all over the China at the beginning of spring festival. This is the exactly the same situation of corona virus on 2020 in China. Chinese are…
China’s latest virus surge is the human metapneumovirus (HMPV),— Read on fortune.com/well/article/human-metapneumovirus-hmpv-symptoms-pandemic/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ipuOSTUs8A&pp=ygULY2hpbmEgdmlydXM%3D virus again in China 2025 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT3Co5u-mhs&pp=ygULY2hpbmEgdmlydXM%3D Overblown fears of HMPV cases in China reflect pandemic scars Public…
The safest Country in the Earth -- by China's Government Spokesman 世界上最安全的国家 - 中国政府发言人 Mad China and it's People, Chinese
China Reacts As WHO Issues Reminder About COVID Responsibility | Miami Herald — Read on www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/article297869693.html
BYD : Build Your Dung 建立你的粪便 这是在中国国内任何地方都常见的普通工作环境,但在正常的其他国家根本无法认可的恶劣的工作环境。 中国是一个正常的国家吗? It was a common working environment that was common anywhere in China, but it was a heinous working environment that could not…
The safest Country in the Earth -- by China's Government Spokesman 世界上最安全的国家 - 中国政府发言人
series of violent attacks across China in recent months have pierced a tightly controlled society’s veneer of stability. In late September, a 37-year-old man killed three people and injured 15…
Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan — Read on www.taipeitimes.com/
https://twitter.com/china_epoch/status/1864172330924298250 部队强收福利房 东航深夜清房,11月20日深夜,海军东航出动部队大批军人,清理上海转业老兵的福利房。他们手持盾牌,推搡家属,开动军车,强拉家具,网友称「比打仗还凶猛」。 The army forcibly seized the welfare housing, and China Eastern Airlines cleared the housing late at night. Late at night on November 20, the Navy China Eastern…
On October 23, a video posted online showing the collapse of a tax bureau office building in Jilin City,quickly attracted public attention. A nearby resident reported hearing a loud crash,…
The Chinese live by deceiving each other 中国人过着互相欺骗的生活 I only now know where in China it is written as civilization, respect, justice, and equality of the rule of law on…
被污染的卫生巾、爆炸的汽车、沉没的潜水艇、掉轮的坦克、倒塌的大厦…… 中国制造 Contaminated sanitary pads, exploding cars, sinking submarines, falling tanks, falling buildings.. Made in China 中国VT4坦克在动态显示过程中发生故障 2024年11月23日 星期五 Chinese VT4 tank breaks down during dynamic display NewsArmy ByDylan Malyasov…
Chinese is never changed at all to make cheat and fake products. 中国人从未改变过制造作弊和假冒产品。 Chinese women have taken it upon themselves to prove that the length of sanitary pads often fall…
A 23-year-old Chinese national was arrested in Zurich for allegedly stabbing three young boys aged five as they were heading to a daycare center. The incident occurred in the Oerlikon…
SEVERAL children were left injured after a driver in China rammed an SUV into them outside a primary school this morning.Pupils arrived for classes. 今天上午,一名中国司机在小学外撞上一辆SUV,几名儿童受伤。学生赶到上课 — Read on www.the-sun.com/news/12921139/china-car-rammed-children-primary-school/ 看起来中国人集体患上了精神病…
After a spate of mass attacks in China where the perpetrators were supposedly ‘taking revenge on society’, some are calling for reform and greater social support. 在中国发生一连串大规模袭击事件后,肇事者据称是“向社会报仇”,一些人呼吁改革和更大的社会支持。 — Read on…
The Chinese people must be so happy. They live in such a safe country. 中国人民一定很幸福。因为我生活在一个如此安全的国家…… Random murders that occurred in China in 2024. This is a list of cases that…