习近平对权力的渴望正在损害中国经济 Xi Jinping’s hunger for power is hurting China’s economy

新的经济计划不会结束通货紧缩,即使他让总理靠边站 A new economic plan won’t end deflation, even as he sidelines his prime minister https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/03/06/xi-jinpings-hunger-for-power-is-hurting-chinas-economy All of China is going reverse to it's Mao's era after Xi emperor came…

中国需要支付新冠肺炎(实验室泄漏与否) China Must Pay for COVID-19 (Lab Leak Or Not) – 19FortyFive

https://www.19fortyfive.com/2023/03/china-must-pay-for-covid-19-lab-leak-or-not/ 事实上,中国政府鼓励往返中国的航空旅行照常进行——即使北京下令实施严格的内部封锁并将武汉置于“战时控制”之下。 如果北京的任何人早于他们正式承认这种疾病,世界可能已经减缓甚至遏制了这种传播。 China’s regime encouraged air travel to and from China to occur as normal—even as Beijing was ordering strict internal lockdowns and placing Wuhan under “wartime controls.” Had anyone in Beijing officially…

China to crack down on civilians by mobilizing troops in 2024 中国在2024年发动军队镇压平民

https://twitter.com/china_epoch/status/1864172330924298250 部队强收福利房 东航深夜清房,11月20日深夜,海军东航出动部队大批军人,清理上海转业老兵的福利房。他们手持盾牌,推搡家属,开动军车,强拉家具,网友称「比打仗还凶猛」。 The army forcibly seized the welfare housing, and China Eastern Airlines cleared the housing late at night. Late at night on November 20, the Navy China Eastern…

Chinese-made weapons and Chinese football are on the same level 中国制造的武器和中国足球处于同一水平

被污染的卫生巾、爆炸的汽车、沉没的潜水艇、掉轮的坦克、倒塌的大厦…… 中国制造 Contaminated sanitary pads, exploding cars, sinking submarines, falling tanks, falling buildings.. Made in China 中国VT4坦克在动态显示过程中发生故障 2024年11月23日 星期五 Chinese VT4 tank breaks down during dynamic display NewsArmy ByDylan Malyasov…