习近平对权力的渴望正在损害中国经济 Xi Jinping’s hunger for power is hurting China’s economy

新的经济计划不会结束通货紧缩,即使他让总理靠边站 A new economic plan won’t end deflation, even as he sidelines his prime minister https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/03/06/xi-jinpings-hunger-for-power-is-hurting-chinas-economy All of China is going reverse to it’s Mao’s era after Xi emperor came up. 习皇帝上台后,整个中国正在倒退到毛泽东时代。 整个中国正在回到1970年代的毛泽东时代。 经济下滑,很多政府支持的公司破产,从私营公司变成国有公司,皇帝时代就像残酷而严格的民事控制,愚蠢的民族主义(毛泽东时代的红军)使中国人民的公民意识下降。中国各地不断发生重大事故,如21名邻居被枪杀、住宅楼失火导致104人死亡、破烂的水坝洪水涌进村庄、工人抗议6个月未发工资、教师离校导致学生返校等。 家。 愤怒的醉酒驾驶在路上撞到了40名7岁儿童。电动汽车和电动滑板车每天都在爆炸。 电动汽车和电动滑板车每天都在爆炸。 一场大火仅在一个县就烧毁了 140 座山,政府对此却无能为力。一切都将在 2024 年发生. All of China is going back to it’s Mao’s era in 1970’s . […]

中国是世界上最大的袋装出口国!习近平的”一带一路”现在走得很奇怪!China is the World’s no1 bagger export country ! Xi’s one road one belt is going weird way now !

Dear Chinese Patriotic ! You can have enough proud of your country ! 亲爱的中国爱国者!你们可以为祖国感到骄傲! 中国是世界上最大的袋装出口国!中国乞丐团伙蜂拥马来西亚,每月赚2400美元,是当地人的六倍。 中国包包在世界任何地方都很常见。 中国可能会为”中国制造”袋鼠主宰世界而感到自豪! China is the World’s no1 bagger export country ! Chinese Beggar Gangs Swarm Malaysia, Making $2400 a Month—Six Times More Than Locals. Chinese baggers are very common everywhere in the World. China might be very proud that Made-in […]

Detained Chinese ‘spy’ says espionage work to Philippines began in 2016 被拘留的中国“间谍”表示,菲律宾的间谍工作始于2016年 | Philstar.com

Chinese spy She Zhijiang, currently detained in Thailand and fighting repatriation to China, claimed in an Al Jazeera documentary that he began his spy work in the Philippines in 2016 while evading Chinese authorities who had ordered his arrest for illegal gambling. 中国间谍She Zhijiang目前被拘留在泰国,正在与遣返中国作斗争,他在半岛电视台的一部纪录片中声称,他于2016年开始在菲律宾从事间谍工作,同时躲避因非法赌博而下令逮捕他的中国当局。 — Read on www.philstar.com/headlines/2024/09/29/2388809/detained-chinese-spy-says-espionage-work-philippines-began-2016

China covered up sinking of newest submarine, says US official. Made by China from steal technology. 中国掩盖了最新潜艇的沉没,美国官员说。 中国用窃取技术制造。

中国潜艇:2024年初,为了保护领海和捕获他国潜艇而设置的海底陷阱,愚蠢地自拔,导致55名船员死亡。 理所当然,中国政府会保密。 之后在台湾近海发生故障而漂流的中国潜水艇被台湾渔民发现后被拖回本国。 2024年5月,一艘号称倾注”中国”所有力量应对美国潜艇的新型核动力攻击潜艇在造船厂准备首航时沉没。 虽然这些都是非常搞笑的事件,但在中国实际发生了。 搭载核燃料的潜水艇接连沉没,究竟泄漏了多少放射能,中国政府对此秘而不宣。 预计不亚于日本核电厂核泄漏。 中国在2019年在武汉将病菌传播到全世界后也没有进行反省,甚至因本国制造得乱七八糟的核运营武器的接连失败和事故,向大海扩散了放射能。 对中国人彻底不公开,中国人在本国军队和武器是世界最强的自我催眠中,今天一天也辛苦地找工作,登陆微博,为爱国主义赚取哪怕几分钱而绞尽脑汁。 Chinese Submarine: 55 crew members died after being stupidly caught in an undersea pit set up in early 2024 to protect their territorial waters and catch submarines from other countries. Naturally, the Chinese government kept it a secret. A Chinese submarine, which had broken down and […]

Shenzhen stabbing: Japanese Boy’s killing in China sparks Japanese fears 深圳刺案:日本男孩在中国被杀引发了日本人的恐惧

Stabbing of 10-year-old schoolboy in Shenzhen is the second attack on Japanese nationals this year. By Chinese nationals. Chinese are very brave in front of kids, old and woman. 深圳刺伤一名10岁小学生是今年对日本国民的第二次袭击。 由中国国民。 中国人在孩子面前非常勇敢,老人和女人。 —在www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg9nwxy388o上阅读 — Read on www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckg9nwxy388o

China in 2024, where kidnapping is a daily occurrence 2024年的中国,绑架事件已成为家常便饭。

看起来是中国真实的绑架视频,但是光天化日之下就这么完成了吗?这不是很可怕吗? 然而, 也不足为奇,因为每年失踪人数超过100万。 It looks like a real kidnapping video from China, but isn’t it scary that it was done in broad daylight? However, this is not surprising, as more than 1 million people go missing every year. 变态中共国,杭州超市老板娘被三个男人打骂,现已被迫转让关门,但不知转让广告是本人还是房东所为! 猥琐的中国人! In the perverted Communist China, the owner of a supermarket in Hangzhou was beaten and […]

2024. 08 反习反共抗议 Anti Xi JINPING Anti CCP Protest in China AUG, 2024

” Hello! I am a dissident from Hunan Province, China. I have been subjected to political persecution by the Ministry of Public Security of China. I face surveillance, intimidation and harassment from government officials every day. At the end of the White Paper Revolution, I participated in the poster-posting activity out of dissatisfaction with the […]