中国需要支付新冠肺炎(实验室泄漏与否) China Must Pay for COVID-19 (Lab Leak Or Not) – 19FortyFive

事实上,中国政府鼓励往返中国的航空旅行照常进行——即使北京下令实施严格的内部封锁并将武汉置于“战时控制”之下。 如果北京的任何人早于他们正式承认这种疾病,世界可能已经减缓甚至遏制了这种传播。 China’s regime encouraged air travel to and from China to occur as normal—even as Beijing was ordering strict internal lockdowns and placing Wuhan under “wartime controls.” Had anyone in Beijing officially acknowledged the disease long before they did, the world might have slowed or even contained the spread. 

通过不宣布紧急状态和警告世界,中国正在确保整个世界都会受苦; 全球经济将损失数万亿美元,数百万人将死亡或永久残废,整个全球秩序将被颠覆。 至少,这是采取重大法律行动的理由。 美国政府——实际上是世界上每个政府——都应该起诉中国要求赔偿。 By not declaring an emergency and warning the world, China was ensuring that the entire world would suffer; that the global economy would lose trillions, that millions of people would die or be permanently maimed, and that the entire global order would be upended. At the very least, this is grounds for major legal action. The United States government—every government in the world, actually—should sue China for damages

China’s Virus Management on Early of covid rising at Wuhan, Nov. 2019.

官方的人民日报在微博上引用未透露姓名的医院官员的话说:”病因尚不清楚。” 他说:”我们不能证实这是网上传播的,是SARS病毒是SARS病毒。 其他严重肺炎的可能性更大。”

武汉市卫生委员会表示,所有患者都被隔离,密切接触者正在接受医学观察。 该报称,该市一家海鲜市场正在进行调查和清理工作,怀疑与事件有关。

初步实验室检测显示,这些病例为病毒性肺炎。 委员会说,没有发现明显的人与人之间的传播,也没有医务人员被感染。


Chinese expert who came down with Wuhan coronavirus after saying it was controllable thinks he was infected through his eyes

Peking University respiratory specialist Wang Guangfa contracted illness after visiting the city and believes lack of eye protection may have been the causeHe defends his earlier comments that disease can be kept under control, but admits stronger measures may be needed


On 3/11/20, WHO declared a pandemic. These quotes and photos recall that historic time

世卫组织于3月20日宣布大流行。 这些引语和照片使人想起那个历史时期

Staff of the Wuhan Hygiene Emergency Response Team leave the shuttered Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan on Jan. 11, 2020. There is strong evidence that the COVID-19 pandemic originated in animals at this market. China stated that a 61-year-old man who purchased goods there was the first known death from the respiratory illness caused by the new coronavirus.
Noel Celis/AFP via Getty Images

Staff members transfer patients to Jin Yintan hospital in Wuhan on Jan. 17, 2020.
Getty Images/Getty Images

Hector Retamal/AFP via Getty Images

All disease comes from China


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