中国人戴着爱国的面具,否认真相,害怕,被驯服服从谎言 Chinese people wear patriotic masks, deny the truth, are afraid, and are tamed to obey lies

在中国,说真话是被禁止的,然后进监狱。 只能说中共想要什么。 张展出狱了 张展因报道在中国刑4年后获释 这种现象尤其在中国的年轻人中发生得更严重,四年前这个人报道新冠疫情发生和现在的进行情况时,中国的年轻人在网上集体把她拍成是被谎言和序数贿赃的假记者,越骂越是被当作真正的中国爱国青年的喜剧。 这种现象现在越来越严重,中国共产党的洗脑教育和煽动、媒体控制确实有效果。 也许中国共产党会更加努力进行中国人的洗脑教育,中国的青年们以后也更不能分辨被狂热的煽动和爱国心。 在他们后面能看到带着满足的黑色微笑的共产党的脸。 In China, telling truth has forbidden and go to jail. Only can say what CCP want. Zhang Zhan is freed from prison in China after 4 years for reporting on Covid-19 This phenomenon is especially severe in young people in China. Four years ago, when this veteran […]

在经济斗争中,中国Xi吹嘘“制造业能力” China’s Xi touts ‘manufacturing prowess’ as economy struggles | Fortune Asia

Xi仍然不知道谁破坏了中国经济。 或者Xi知道谁,但无视真相。 最近,经济疲软的迹象有所增加,12月份工厂活动萎缩到六个月来的最低水平,这可能会给决策者增加压力,迫使他们采取紧急行动,为经济注入动力。 —在上阅读 Xi still has no idea who spoil China’s Economy. Or Xi knows whom but disregard the truth. Signs of weakness in the economy have increased recently with factory activity shrinking in December to the lowest level in six months, likely adding pressure on policymakers to act urgently to inject impetus to the economy. […]

Israel-Hamas war: Chinese social media fights disinformation too 以色列-哈马斯战争:中国社交媒体也打击虚假信息 | Context

Chinese-language social media platforms like Weibo, WeChat, Douyin have been flooded with misinformation about the Israel-Hamas war. Many old videos or videos that take place elsewhere have been taken out of context and mischaracterised as relevant to the current conflict. 微博、微信、抖音等中文社交媒体平台充斥着关于以色列-哈马斯战争的错误信息。许多发生在其他地方的旧视频或视频被断章取义,并被错误地描述为与当前冲突有关。 — Read on

The Great Leap Backwards of media in China 中国媒体向后的巨大飞跃· Global Voices

最新版本于2023年5月发布。2022年初,RSF还发表了一份名为“中国新闻业大跃进”的报告,讽刺地提到了毛泽东的大跃进,在1958-1962年,最终导致了大规模饥荒和数百万人死亡。 the latest of which was released in May 2023. In early 2022, RSF also published a report called “The Great Leap Backwards of Journalism in China,” an ironic reference to Mao’s Great Leap Forward that, in 1958–1962, eventually led to massive starvation and millions of deaths. — Read on

在中国,镇压正变得越来越激进 In China, repression is becoming more and more aggressive

人权活动家正在被判处极其严厉的监禁。即使是普通的喜剧演员也首当其冲地承受着北京的镇压。Human rights activists are receiving extremely harsh prison sentences. Even ordinary comedians bear the brunt of Beijing’s crackdown. — Read on

云南抗议:清真寺关闭与安全部队发生冲突 Yunnan protest: Mosque closure sees clashes with security forces – BBC News

周六,社交媒体视频显示,纳古镇13世纪的纳家英清真寺外有人群。警察和当地人之间爆发了混战,他们被数百名武装警察所控制。云南是中国南方一个种族多样化的省份,拥有大量穆斯林人口。中国正式成为无神论者,政府表示允许宗教自由。但观察人士表示,近年来,对有组织宗教的镇压有所增加——北京正在寻求更大的控制。Social media videos showed crowds outside the 13th-century Najiaying Mosque in Nagu town on Saturday.Scuffles broke out between police and locals, who were hemmed in by hundreds of armed officers.Yunnan, an ethnically-diverse province in southern China, has a significant Muslim population.China is officially atheist and the government says it allows religious freedom. But observers say […]

维吾尔新闻综述:2023年4月21日至5月5日Uyghur News Recap: April 21 – May 5, 2023 中国政府利用电话搜索程序针对维族穆斯林… 总领事访问新疆 批评中国侵犯人权宣传…TikTok母公司将”维吾尔族”列入待监测词语……维吾尔族 活动家 呼吁 马来西亚 总理 为 在华 维吾尔族 穆斯林 大声疾呼 .维权组织敦促泰国结束对寻求庇护者的无限期拘留。美 代表 呼吁 停止 谢 因 强迫 劳工 问题 首次 公开 募股 .联合国 工作组 要求 中国 释放 被 拘留 的 维族 人 .《回到过去》: 柏林维吾尔族青少年重拾传统….维吉尼亚州提供维吾尔族青年语言和文化课程。呼吁加拿大采取更多措施制止可能由维吾尔人强迫劳动生产的货物进口。日维妇女成为首位获得议会席位的维族候选人。 Chinese Government Uses Phone Search Program to Target Uyghur Muslims… Consuls General Visit Xinjiang Amid Criticism of Chinese […]

报告新冠肺炎的中国人将在3年后被释放 Chinese who reported on COVID to be released after 3 years – ABC News

Chinese authorities are preparing to release a man who disappeared three years ago after publicizing videos of overcrowded hospitals and bodies during the COVID-19 outbreak — Read on 2020年初,最初的新冠肺炎疫情摧毁了中国中部湖北省1100万居民所在的武汉市。在76天的封锁下,除了救护车和安全人员外,其街道空无一人数月。 当时,少数公民记者试图用智能手机和社交媒体帐户讲述他们和其他人的故事,无视共产党严格监管的信息垄断。虽然他们的运动很小,但规模在中国之前的任何重大疾病爆发或灾难中都是前所未有的。 In early 2020, the initial COVID outbreak devastated the city of Wuhan, home to 11 million residents, in central China’s Hubei province. Under a […]

中国希望人工智能只说共产党的好话 China Wants AI to Only Say Nice Things About Communist Party

人工智能必须反映中国的“社会主义核心价值观”,避免破坏“国家力量”, AI must reflect China’s “socialist core values” and avoid undermining “state power,” according to proposed rules reported by The New York Times. — Read on Opinion : This is China 这是中国

中国当局正在审查北京市中心一所医院火灾造成29人死亡的网络帖子,因为公众对死亡人数和最初试图压制有关这一事件的信息的愤怒情绪日益高涨.随着公众愤怒的增长,中国医院火灾死亡人数上升到29人 China Hospital Fire Death Toll Rises to 29 as Public Anger Grows 29 dead in hospital fire in China; arrests follow tragedy 中国29人死于医院火灾,惨案发生后被捕   周二下午,医院的住院病房在距离天安门广场不到七英里的北京市中心的长丰医院爆发了致命的大火。 最初关于火灾的媒体报道很少。官方的新华社和《北京日报》直到周二深夜,即大火熄灭几个小时后才发表文章。火灾的视频最初也在社交媒体上受到审查。 周三下午,北京地方政府官员举行的新闻发布会上证实了死亡人数。初步调查表明,该事件是由建筑工程造成的,因为警方拘留了十几人——包括医院院长。   The deadly blaze erupted at the hospital’s inpatient department Tuesday afternoon at the Changfeng Hospital in the heart of Beijing, less than seven miles away from Tiananmen Square. Initial media reports about the fire were […]

中国试图阻止联合国的著名维吾尔演讲者 China tries to block prominent Uighur speaker at UN | The Straits Times

China demands floor to query whether World Uighur Congress president is qualified to speak. Read more at — Read on 中国周四试图阻止一名著名的维吾尔族活动家在联合国人权理事会发表讲话,他要求该机构紧急处理关于北京严重违规行为的指控。 China attempted on Thursday to block a prominent Uighur activist from speaking at the United Nations Human Rights Council, where he demanded the body urgently address allegations of serious violations by Beijing.

中国防火墙引导数百万人打开免费冲浪之门 China’s Great Firewall directs millions to open door to free surfing 中国强大的防火墙阻止了人们使用各种网络服务,也阻止了中国人民受到威胁。 周三,中国数亿网民试图访问允许访问的网站被重定向到动态互联网技术(DIT)的主页。 一家销售允许中国公民绕过防火墙的技术的公司. 尽管官方媒体称这次故障是一次成功的黑客攻击,但知情人士周三告诉路透社记者,没有发现任何黑客企图,这使得这些消息来源怀疑,在修改防火墙时,是否只是人为错误造成了问题。 这个洞让许多中国公民第一次看到外面的数字世界。 多年来,中国出于各种原因封锁了包括DIT在内的网站,包括据称对其政府结构的威胁和限制对某些主题的评论。 China’s formidable Great Firewall, which blocks access to all sorts of Web services and perceived threats to the country’s people, was the victim of a glitch on Wednesday that saw hundreds of millions of Chinese Web users attempting to access allowed sites being redirected to the home page […]

香港:两名涉嫌藏有「煽动」儿童读物被捕Hong Kong: two arrested for possessing ‘seditious’ children’s book 据《明报》报道,这些出版物是从英国寄往香港的,是2019年动乱时香港人像羊一样试图保护自己的村庄免受狼的侵害的连环画儿童书籍的几本。 明报周三援引警方的话说,两人已被保释,但下个月必须向警方报案。 2022年,五名语言治疗师因涉嫌”策划出版、发行、展示三本具有煽动性意图的书”,被判处有期徒刑19个月,被法院判决为煽动性。 警方当时警告家长销毁这些书,因为他们”太激进,灌输给孩子们思想,使他们无法对抗和反对政府”。 The Chinese-language Mingpao newspaper reported that the publications were sent from Britain to Hong Kong and were several copies of illustrated children’s books in a series that portrayed Hongkongers during the 2019 unrest as sheep trying to defend their village from wolves, an apparent reference to the mainland Chinese authorities. […]

中国、缅甸、朝鲜在自由报告中被列为“最糟糕的” China, Myanmar, North Korea listed as ‘worst of worst’ in freedom report

This article was originally published by Radio Free Asia and is reprinted with permission. The Chinese Communist Party plays “a leading role in promoting — Read on 在全球被列为“不自由”的56个国家中,朝鲜、中国和缅甸被列为“最糟糕的国家之一”。此外,在亚太地区的39个国家中,有9个国家被列为“不自由”,13个国家仅被视为“部分自由”。 Among the 56 countries listed as “Not Free” around the world, North Korea, China and Myanmar were listed as among “the worst of the worst.” Additionally, […]