看看这个中国的警察!非常适合野蛮国家的官员。look at this China’s police ! Very suit officials for savage country.

“你没看见我穿制服?”陕西榆林,一家餐馆内,只因为一旁吃饭的司机多瞄了身穿制服的男子一眼,男子把饭倒进垃圾桶里,掐着司机脖子让司机吃垃圾桶里的剩饭。这真是活脱脱一名中共制服土匪. 政府的同级官员 Same level of officials for the government “Didn’t you see me wearing a uniform?” In a restaurant in Yulin, Shaanxi, just because the driver eating next to him glanced at the man in uniform, the man poured the food into the trash can, pinched the driver’s neck and made him eat from the […]

China: Free ‘White Paper’ Protesters | Human Rights Watch 人权观察今天表示,中国当局应立即释放并撤销对因参加反对政府的“白皮书”抗议活动而被拘留的人的所有指控。当局还应停止骚扰律师和抗议者的朋友,停止在社交媒体上审查与抗议相关的信息。

Chinese authorities should immediately release and drop all charges against everyone detained for participating in the “white paper” protests against the government, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should also cease harassment of lawyers and friends of protesters and the censorship of protest-related information on social media. — Read on www.hrw.org/news/2023/01/26/china-free-white-paper-protesters 2022年11月,包括上海、北京、成都和武汉等城市在内的数千人走上街头,抗议政府的严格新冠肺炎措施,并谴责中国共产党的专制统治。示威者拿着空白文件——因此是“白皮书”抗议——并高呼“结束零新冠病毒”、“我们希望人权”和“打倒共产党!”等口号。 人权观察中国高级研究员Yaqiu Wang说:“中国年轻人正在为敢于为自由和人权大声疾呼而付出沉重的代价。”“世界各地的政府和国际机构应该表示支持,并呼吁中国当局立即释放它们。”

U.S. crackdown on Chinese forced labor hits solar industry 镇压旨在惩罚中国在新疆全省治疗维吾尔人和其他少数民族的行为,并相应地削弱了美国太阳能市场并冻结了其供应链。

Intended to punish China for its treatment of Uyghurs and other minorities across Xinjiang province, the crackdown has had the corresponding effect of crippling the U.S. solar market and freezing its supply chain. — Read on www.axios.com/2023/01/13/us-china-forced-labor-imports-solar-industry 自去年6月针对中国制造商的强迫劳动法生效以来,美国海关和边境巡逻官员已经扣押了价值约13亿美元的进口商品, Captured from article Captured from article

China’s authorities are quietly rounding up people who protested against COVID rules : NPR 中国当局正在悄悄地围捕抗议新冠病毒规则的人

Residents held vigils to commemorate people who have died in lockdown. Several have been arrested. — Read on www.npr.org/2023/01/11/1148251868/china-covid-lockdown-protests-arrests 他们被追踪并被拘留 镇压来得很快。 使用电话塔数据,警方能够粗略地测量11月27日晚在梁马河附近的人。他们召集了守夜人员或晚上参观了他们的家。大多数参与者经过几个小时的询问后被释放了,但编辑越来越害怕地看着她的朋友被一个接一个地拘留。 这位报纸记者多次被问及她参加了哪些女权主义组织和活动。当询问一名在一家跨国公司担任会计师的妇女时,警方特别咄咄逼人,她经常参加现场摇滚音乐活动。 该会计师一直在加密消息应用程序Telegram上关于守夜的聊天组中。据警方推断,由于她碰巧是聊天组的管理员,她一定是示威组织者。

Xi Jinping’s Modern China 习近平的现代中国

twitter.com/thestranger515/status/1593000080038301698   Xi Jinping’s Modern China Democracy Chinese Style Brutal CCP crackdown against Wuhan Ccp Virus COVID-19 protestors in China’s Guangzhou 习近平的现代中国 民主中国风 中国广州市对武汉CCP新冠肺炎示威队的残酷镇压 Xi Jinping’s Modern #China 🇨🇳 2022 Democracy Chinese Style Brutal #CCP crackdown against Wuhan #CcpVirus COVID-19 protestors in China’s #Guangzhou https://t.co/OMMHjCWNHq — the stranger (@thestranger515) November 16, 2022  

Brutal lockdown violence in China 中国残酷的封锁暴力

twitter.com/JamesMelville/status/1587355551729700865 China 🇨🇳 Zero Covid rules.pic.twitter.com/BGRexGFPM2 — James Melville (@JamesMelville) November 1, 2022

China’s Xi Jinping has former-president dragged out of meeting on live TV | Flipboard

China’s ex-president Hu Jintao was seen being removed from a congress meeting by security as Xi Jinping continues to assert his dominance. Two security guards led the 79-year-old off stage as he looked confused as to why he was removed. — Read on flipboard.com/video/independent/001b3b4722 随着习近平继续占据主导地位,中国前总统胡锦涛被安全部门解除了国会会议的职务。两名保安带领这名79岁的男子下台,因为他看起来很困惑,不知道自己为什么被免职。

Chinese police get violent as COVID-19 lockdown protests sweep across the country | Fox News

Chinese police get violent as COVID-19 lockdown protests sweep across the country Some protesters have chanted for Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party to step down — Read on www.foxnews.com/world/chinese-police-get-violent-covid-19-lockdown-protests-sweep-country 随着 COVID-19 封锁抗议席卷全国,中国警察变得暴力 一些抗议者高呼习近平和中国共产党下台