U.S. crackdown on Chinese forced labor hits solar industry 镇压旨在惩罚中国在新疆全省治疗维吾尔人和其他少数民族的行为,并相应地削弱了美国太阳能市场并冻结了其供应链。

Intended to punish China for its treatment of Uyghurs and other minorities across Xinjiang province, the crackdown has had the corresponding effect of crippling the U.S. solar market and freezing its supply chain. — Read on www.axios.com/2023/01/13/us-china-forced-labor-imports-solar-industry 自去年6月针对中国制造商的强迫劳动法生效以来,美国海关和边境巡逻官员已经扣押了价值约13亿美元的进口商品, Captured from article Captured from article