2024. 08 反习反共抗议 Anti Xi JINPING Anti CCP Protest in China AUG, 2024

” Hello! I am a dissident from Hunan Province, China. I have been subjected to political persecution by the Ministry of Public Security of China. I face surveillance, intimidation and harassment from government officials every day. At the end of the White Paper Revolution, I participated in the poster-posting activity out of dissatisfaction with the […]

越来越疯狂的中国. 2024年3月,中国人的疯狂也传染给了他们的孩子. In March 2024, Chinese madness spread to their children as well

一名13岁男孩强奸10个女孩,初高中生杀害同学后私自埋葬。在中国各地,疯狂的中国人把车冲到人行道上,造成了无数的伤亡。 中国”文化大革命”的亡灵在2024年复活了。 哦,天哪! A 13-year-old boy raped 10 girls, and a middle and high school student killed classmates and buried them in secret.In many places in China, mad Chinese people rushed their vehicles onto the sidewalk, causing numerous casualties. The specter of China’s “cultural revolution” was revived in 2024.

中国的Xi用清洗斯大林 China’s Xi goes full Stalin with purge – POLITICO

习近平主席的宫廷里有些东西腐烂了。 当世界因中东和乌克兰的战争而分心时,一场类似斯大林的清洗正在席卷中国超秘密的政治体系,对全球经济甚至该地区的和平前景产生深远影响。 Something is rotten in the imperial court of Chairman Xi Jinping.  While the world is distracted by war in the Middle East and Ukraine, a Stalin-like purge is sweeping through China’s ultra-secretive political system, with profound implications for the global economy and even the prospects for peace in the region. — Read on […]

Chilling story behind Fan Bingbing’s disappearance

范冰冰失踪背后的惊心故事她在A-list的最顶端——然后突然间,她就消失得无影无踪。 现在她回来了,她的故事令人不寒而栗。 She was at the very top of the A-list — then suddenly, she simply vanished without a trace. Now she’s back and her story is chilling. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/chilling-story-behind-fan-bingbings-disappearance/news-story/58fc11758fe171e8fb9c36eb54c5831d RELATED: Missing Chinese star’s confession RELATED: Mystery over star’s disappearance RELATED: How President Xi ensures his will is enforced 国事 丑闻发生将近一年后,范冰冰试探性地回到了公众视线。 她将在一部新的国际动作片 355 中重返银幕。 但她一定要感谢当局让她“消失”了四个月。 这位曾出演过数十部电影和电视剧的 37 岁女演员现身,罕见地接受了西方媒体的采访。 她间接谈到了她神秘的拘留。 […]

中国共产党爱性. 女子网球巡回赛结束彭帅发起的抵制中国运动彭于 2021 年 11 月在社交媒体上发帖称一名高级政府官员强迫她发生性关系后,便退出了公众视野。

Women’s tennis tour ends Peng Shuai-inspired China boycottPeng dropped out of public view after saying in a social media post in November 2021 that a high-ranking government official forced her to have sex. 女子网球巡回赛结束彭帅发起的抵制中国运动彭于 2021 年 11 月在社交媒体上发帖称一名高级政府官员强迫她发生性关系后,便退出了公众视野。 Peng dropped out of public view after saying in a social media post in November 2021 that […]