中国的Xi用清洗斯大林 China’s Xi goes full Stalin with purge – POLITICO

习近平主席的宫廷里有些东西腐烂了。 当世界因中东和乌克兰的战争而分心时,一场类似斯大林的清洗正在席卷中国超秘密的政治体系,对全球经济甚至该地区的和平前景产生深远影响。 Something is rotten in the imperial court of Chairman Xi Jinping.  While the world is distracted by war in the Middle East and Ukraine, a Stalin-like purge is sweeping through China’s ultra-secretive political system, with profound implications for the global economy and even the prospects for peace in the region. — Read on […]

In the crowd, a girl in Beijing loudly called for Xi Jinping to resign 在人群中,北京的一个女孩大声呼吁习近平辞职 2023.09.23 事实上,在中国,女性比男性更勇敢。

Read Here9月22日,“真相媒体”在X平台上发布了一段视频,视频中一个女孩站在烹饪中心中间,对习近平主席的领导能力提出质疑。 On September 22, the account “Truth Media” posted to platform X a video about a girl standing in the middle of a culinary center raising questions about President Xi Jinping’s leadership capacity. Read here

The Great Leap Backwards of media in China 中国媒体向后的巨大飞跃· Global Voices

最新版本于2023年5月发布。2022年初,RSF还发表了一份名为“中国新闻业大跃进”的报告,讽刺地提到了毛泽东的大跃进,在1958-1962年,最终导致了大规模饥荒和数百万人死亡。 the latest of which was released in May 2023. In early 2022, RSF also published a report called “The Great Leap Backwards of Journalism in China,” an ironic reference to Mao’s Great Leap Forward that, in 1958–1962, eventually led to massive starvation and millions of deaths. — Read on

香港警方检获「煽动颠覆」铜像 Hong Kong police seize statue in “incitement to subversion” probe

University students observe a minute of silence in front of the “Pillar of Shame” statue at the University of Hong Kong on the 32nd anniversary of the crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators at Beijing's Tiananmen Square in 1989, in Hong Kong, China June 4, 2021. REUTERS/Lam Yik The two-tonne copper Pillar of Shame was first exhibited at a Tiananmen Square commemoration in Hong Kong in 1997, the same year Britain handed the city back to China. In 2021, the University of Hong Kong dismantled and removed the statue “based on external legal advice and risk assessment for the best interest of […]

报告新冠肺炎的中国人将在3年后被释放 Chinese who reported on COVID to be released after 3 years – ABC News

Chinese authorities are preparing to release a man who disappeared three years ago after publicizing videos of overcrowded hospitals and bodies during the COVID-19 outbreak — Read on 2020年初,最初的新冠肺炎疫情摧毁了中国中部湖北省1100万居民所在的武汉市。在76天的封锁下,除了救护车和安全人员外,其街道空无一人数月。 当时,少数公民记者试图用智能手机和社交媒体帐户讲述他们和其他人的故事,无视共产党严格监管的信息垄断。虽然他们的运动很小,但规模在中国之前的任何重大疾病爆发或灾难中都是前所未有的。 In early 2020, the initial COVID outbreak devastated the city of Wuhan, home to 11 million residents, in central China’s Hubei province. Under a […]

香港:两名涉嫌藏有「煽动」儿童读物被捕Hong Kong: two arrested for possessing ‘seditious’ children’s book 据《明报》报道,这些出版物是从英国寄往香港的,是2019年动乱时香港人像羊一样试图保护自己的村庄免受狼的侵害的连环画儿童书籍的几本。 明报周三援引警方的话说,两人已被保释,但下个月必须向警方报案。 2022年,五名语言治疗师因涉嫌”策划出版、发行、展示三本具有煽动性意图的书”,被判处有期徒刑19个月,被法院判决为煽动性。 警方当时警告家长销毁这些书,因为他们”太激进,灌输给孩子们思想,使他们无法对抗和反对政府”。 The Chinese-language Mingpao newspaper reported that the publications were sent from Britain to Hong Kong and were several copies of illustrated children’s books in a series that portrayed Hongkongers during the 2019 unrest as sheep trying to defend their village from wolves, an apparent reference to the mainland Chinese authorities. […]

历史上的残暴统治者之一——毛泽东 One of Brutal Ruler on a History, Mao zhedong 4. Mao Zedong —Dictator of China 毛泽东——中国的独裁者 Death toll: 80 million 死亡人数:8 000万 毛泽东(1893年至1976年执政)把中国从半殖民地带到了世界领先地位。 然而,毛的政策造成了大量饥荒、监狱劳动和大规模处决的死亡。 20世纪50年代,毛泽东发动了大跃进,适得其反,导致了历史上最严重的饥荒。 1959年至1961年期间,超过5 500万人死于饥饿。 毛泽东的文化大革命(1966年至1976年)造成了多达700万人的死亡。 “当食物不够时,人们就会饿死。 最好让一半的人死去,让另一半的人吃饱。” — 毛泽东 Mao Zedong (reigned 1893–1976) took China from a semi-colony to the world’s leading power. However, Mao’s policies caused an enormous number of deaths through famine, prison labor, and mass executions. In […]

Why a group of Chinese women became human rights activists 为什么一群中国妇女成为人权活动家

Since President Xi Jinping took office in 2012, one of the groups that has been persecuted the most by Chinese authorities has been human rights lawyers. Following the “709 mass arrest” in 2015, in which more than 300 lawyers across China were arrested, many are still in detention, have been given lengthy prison sentences, faced exit bans, or simply disappeared.

Watch: Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared | CNN 中国抗议者制作视频警告她可能会消失。然后,她消失了

Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared — Read on In the weeks following anti-zero Covid protests in Beijing, a protester made a video warning she could vanish. Soon after filming the video, she was arrested. CNN’s Selina Wang reports.

China is ‘under-representing’ the true number of coronavirus deaths since it scrapped Zero-Covid policies, 世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,自从中国废除零新冠肺炎政策以来,新冠肺炎死亡人数”不足” World Health Organization has criticised China for ‘under-representing’ the true number of coronavirus deaths since it scrapped its ‘zero-Covid’ policies. In a rare rebuke of Beijing, the UN agency said on Wednesday China was using a ‘very narrow’ definition of Covid deaths, warning that official statistics were not showing the true impact of the massive on-going outbreak sweeping the country. […]

The End of the Chinese Economic Miracle 中国经济奇迹的终结   Xi’s tightening his stranglehold on the CCP is cause for concern. China is no stranger to one-man rule leading to economic misfortune. Anyone doubting this needs only think back to the disastrous economic consequences of Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward and subsequent Cultural Revolution. 习近平收紧对中共的控制令人担忧。我们所有意见在您的收件箱NR日报每天下午直接送到您那里。 不收任何费用。中国对于导致经济不幸的”一人统治”并不陌生。 任何对此持怀疑态度的人都只需回顾一下毛主席的大跃进和随后的文化大革命所带来的灾难性经济后果。 Opinion : Xi Jinping, whose priority is […]