After the market booted Liz Truss, now it hates Xi Jinping’s third term 在市场解雇了李斯·特鲁斯之后,现在它讨厌习近平的第三个任期After the market booted Liz Truss, now it hates Xi Jinping’s third term

There were no new market-boosting initiatives from the Communist Party congress, where Xi Jinping, the most powerful leader in decades, gained a free hand in setting policy. The ruling party named a seven-member Standing Committee made of Xi’s allies and dropped supporters of free enterprise like Premier Li Keqiang, the party’s No. 2 before the party’s once in five years congress.

Xi wants a bigger Communist Party role in business and technology development. That has prompted warnings tighter control of entrepreneurs who generate jobs and wealth will depress growth that already was in long-term decline.

中共代表大会没有出台新的提振市场举措,几十年来最强大的领导人习近平在制定政策方面获得了自由。 执政党任命了由习近平的盟友组成的七人常委会,并抛弃了李克强总理等自由企业支持者,李克强是中共五年一次的党代会前的二号人物。

习近平希望共产党在商业和技术发展方面发挥更大的作用。 这引发警告,对创造就业和财富的企业家的更严格控制将抑制已经长期下滑的增长。

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