The Great Leap Backwards of media in China 中国媒体向后的巨大飞跃· Global Voices

最新版本于2023年5月发布。2022年初,RSF还发表了一份名为“中国新闻业大跃进”的报告,讽刺地提到了毛泽东的大跃进,在1958-1962年,最终导致了大规模饥荒和数百万人死亡。 the latest of which was released in May 2023. In early 2022, RSF also published a report called “The Great Leap Backwards of Journalism in China,” an ironic reference to Mao’s Great Leap Forward that, in 1958–1962, eventually led to massive starvation and millions of deaths. — Read on

在中国,镇压正变得越来越激进 In China, repression is becoming more and more aggressive

人权活动家正在被判处极其严厉的监禁。即使是普通的喜剧演员也首当其冲地承受着北京的镇压。Human rights activists are receiving extremely harsh prison sentences. Even ordinary comedians bear the brunt of Beijing’s crackdown. — Read on

中国媒体现实与乌克兰战争真相冲突. China’s media realities clash over truth about war in Ukraine 她告诉半岛电视台说:”我认为大多数中国人没有注意到战争,因为他们要么没有关注战争,要么只是从中国媒体上获得有关战争的消息。” 她对半岛电视台说:”但是,如果你能够超越防火墙(用来形容中国对互联网的严格审查),你就会看到,人们对这场战争的说法和报道方式截然不同,在国际和西方媒体上报道的方式截然不同。” 入侵初期,中国国家电视台CCTV报道称,美国资助乌克兰实验室研制生物武器。 据报道,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基在俄罗斯发动第一波袭击后逃离基辅。 中国媒体随后忠实地转达了俄罗斯关于乌克兰平民在基辅附近的布查镇遭受酷刑和杀害的报道是”假新闻”的说法。 一直以来,入侵过去和现在都被称为”特别军事行动”,正如俄罗斯媒体所报道的那样。 “I think the majority of Chinese people don’t notice it because they either don’t pay attention to the war or they only get their news about it from Chinese media,” she told Al Jazeera. “But if you are able to look beyond the firewall [a term used to […]

中国、缅甸、朝鲜在自由报告中被列为“最糟糕的” China, Myanmar, North Korea listed as ‘worst of worst’ in freedom report

This article was originally published by Radio Free Asia and is reprinted with permission. The Chinese Communist Party plays “a leading role in promoting — Read on 在全球被列为“不自由”的56个国家中,朝鲜、中国和缅甸被列为“最糟糕的国家之一”。此外,在亚太地区的39个国家中,有9个国家被列为“不自由”,13个国家仅被视为“部分自由”。 Among the 56 countries listed as “Not Free” around the world, North Korea, China and Myanmar were listed as among “the worst of the worst.” Additionally, […]


小时候,美国是敌人,法国是敌人,英国是敌人,菲律宾越南韩国是敌人…后来,印度是敌人,同族兄弟台湾也是敌人,就连”老大哥”苏修也成了敌人!我恨他们,我想当兵去打他们。 慢慢的,我长大了,我百思不得其解:我们为什么有这么多敌人? 现在,终于明白了:原来,我们是世界公敌! When I was a child, the United States was the enemy, France was the enemy, the United Kingdom was the enemy, and the Philippines, Vietnam and South Korea were enemies… Later, India was the enemy, Taiwan, the brother of the same race, was also the enemy, and even the “Big Brother” Su […]

China: Free ‘White Paper’ Protesters | Human Rights Watch 人权观察今天表示,中国当局应立即释放并撤销对因参加反对政府的“白皮书”抗议活动而被拘留的人的所有指控。当局还应停止骚扰律师和抗议者的朋友,停止在社交媒体上审查与抗议相关的信息。

Chinese authorities should immediately release and drop all charges against everyone detained for participating in the “white paper” protests against the government, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should also cease harassment of lawyers and friends of protesters and the censorship of protest-related information on social media. — Read on 2022年11月,包括上海、北京、成都和武汉等城市在内的数千人走上街头,抗议政府的严格新冠肺炎措施,并谴责中国共产党的专制统治。示威者拿着空白文件——因此是“白皮书”抗议——并高呼“结束零新冠病毒”、“我们希望人权”和“打倒共产党!”等口号。 人权观察中国高级研究员Yaqiu Wang说:“中国年轻人正在为敢于为自由和人权大声疾呼而付出沉重的代价。”“世界各地的政府和国际机构应该表示支持,并呼吁中国当局立即释放它们。”

Watch: Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared | CNN 中国抗议者制作视频警告她可能会消失。然后,她消失了

Chinese protester made video warning she could vanish. Then, she disappeared — Read on In the weeks following anti-zero Covid protests in Beijing, a protester made a video warning she could vanish. Soon after filming the video, she was arrested. CNN’s Selina Wang reports.

For Tibetans, getting information past China’s barriers is harder than ever – The Globe and Mail 对西藏人来说,让信息越过中国的壁垒比以往任何时候都更难

— Read on 曾经与国外联系人共享信息的西藏人被压制,他们的电话和互联网通信受到监视,对告密者的恐惧一直在场。像许多西藏人一样,Penthok只有一个名字,他说,即使消息来源确实伸出援手,她也必须权衡使用他们信息的潜在成本,因为通常“中国人很容易确定谁在说话”。

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness | American Military News 中国强迫记者参加考试,以展示忠诚、政治正确性

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness — Read on 申请人必须支持中国共产党的领导,认真学习、宣传和贯彻习近平关于中国特色社会主义新时代的思想,坚决贯彻党的理论、路线、原则和政策,坚持正确的政治方向和舆论指导。”

China’s buildup of the surveillance state — “Intelligence Matters” – CBS News 中国对监控国家的建立——“情报很重要”

China has some 400 million cameras surveilling the streets, as well as access to a billion smartphones used by Chinese citizens, Wall Street Journal reporters Liza Lin and Josh Chin tell Michael Morell. — Read on

Peak China? by Joseph S. Nye, Jr. – Project Syndicate

Joseph S. Nye, Jr. considers the country’s long-term prospects of competing with America following its latest stumbles. — Read on 中国零新冠病毒政策的失败正在导致对中国实力的重新评估。直到最近,许多人预计到2030年或之后不久,中国的GDP将超过美国。但现在,一些分析师认为,即使中国实现了这一目标,美国也将再次飙升。那么,我们已经见证了“中国高峰”了吗?

China’s Xi solidified grip on power during tumultuous 2022 | Reuters

对于习近平来说,这是2022年罕见的亮点,这是动荡的一年,其顶点是前所未有的街头抗议活动,随后他的零新冠病毒政策突然逆转,冠状病毒感染在世界上人口最多的国家肆虐。 It was a rare highlight for Xi in 2022, a tumultuous year capped by unprecedented street protests followed by the sudden reversal of his zero-COVID policy and coronavirus infections rampaging across the world’s most populous country. — Read on        

New Year Eve spurs hope in China, censors target online COVID content | Reuters

  Weibo users criticized the removal of a video of real-life stories from 2022 that captivated the public. — Read on 微博用户批评删除了2022年吸引公众的现实故事视频。

Google refused Hong Kong request over protest anthem – HK official | Reuters

Google has refused to change its search results to display China’s national anthem, rather than a protest song, when users search for Hong Kong’s national anthem, the city’s security chief said on Monday, expressing “great regret” at the decision. — Read on

China fights lockdown protests by targeting smartphones

Several sources told DW that police in large cities like Shanghai have been randomly checking people’s phones on the street or on subways. Police have demanded people provide personal information and immediately remove apps like Telegram, Twitter or Instagram. Others have said they were called by police and had their phones searched by authorities. “Police warned me […]

China’s ‘white paper’ protest movement echoes freedom struggles across Asia and the world

“Rise up, those who refuse to be slaves,” sang one protester, a call to arms protected by its status as a line from China’s national anthem. Others posted ludicrously gushing messages about the regime and the security forces, or the phrase “shrimp moss” which in Chinese sounds like “step down.” The best-known trope was the […]