EXPLAINER: Is China sharing enough COVID-19 information? | AP News 中国政府经常持有来自本国公众的信息,特别是任何对执政的共产党产生负面影响的信息。官方媒体对火葬激增的可怕报道视不屑一顾,随着卫生系统达到容量,人们从一家医院跑到一家医院竞相试图接受治疗。政府官员指责外国媒体炒作这一情况。

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — As COVID-19 rips through China , other countries and the World Health Organization are calling on its government to share more comprehensive data on the outbreak. — Read on apnews.com/article/china-covid19-data-sharing-77a28c2fc02f4c01774db8836762b608 中国官员一再表示,他们正在分享信息,指出GISAID的顺序以及与世卫组织的会面。 但世卫组织官员一再要求更多——不仅在基因测序方面,而且在住院、重症监护病房入院和死亡方面。世卫组织总干事Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus本周对中国的生命风险表示关切。 联合国卫生机构负责人说:“数据对于世卫组织对全球局势进行定期、快速和强有力的风险评估仍然至关重要。”

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion | Daily Mail Online 随着尸体堆积在火葬场和殡仪馆,中国家庭“开始在街上焚烧亲人的尸体”

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion as corpses pile up in crematoriums and funeral homes — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11597955/Chinese-families-start-burning-bodies-loved-ones-streets-amid-Covid-explosion.html   video from dailymail website :  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11597955/Chinese-families-start-burning-bodies-loved-ones-streets-amid-Covid-explosion.html#v-4480986981356584635   据报道,由于紧急服务及火葬场未能容纳大量死者,市民被迫在街上焚烧家人尸体。 真让人心碎 #CHINA: The #COVID outbreak is reportedly forcing people to burn the bodies of their families members on […]

China admits its Covid deaths are ‘huge’ and 70% of Shanghai’s 25m residents have been infected | Daily Mail Online

The steep rise in infections came after years of Beijing’s ‘zero-Covid’ approach was abruptly stopped last month with little warning, and quickly overwhelmed hospitals and crematoriums. — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11594391/China-admits-Covid-deaths-huge-70-Shanghais-25m-residents-infected.html 中国官员承认,该国与新冠病毒相关的死亡总数“巨大”,一位医生表示,上海2500万居民中有多达70%可能已被感染。

China’s Xi solidified grip on power during tumultuous 2022 | Reuters

对于习近平来说,这是2022年罕见的亮点,这是动荡的一年,其顶点是前所未有的街头抗议活动,随后他的零新冠病毒政策突然逆转,冠状病毒感染在世界上人口最多的国家肆虐。 It was a rare highlight for Xi in 2022, a tumultuous year capped by unprecedented street protests followed by the sudden reversal of his zero-COVID policy and coronavirus infections rampaging across the world’s most populous country. — Read on www.reuters.com/world/china/chinas-xi-solidified-grip-power-during-tumultuous-2022-2022-12-29/        

COVID origins ‘may have been tied’ to China’s bioweapons program: 新型冠状病毒的起源可能与中国生物武器计划有关

Republican House Intelligence Committee members allege in a report that there are indications that COVID-19 could be tied to China’s biological weapons research program. — Read on www.foxnews.com/politics/covid-origins-may-have-been-tied-chinas-bioweapons-program-gop-report “与[情报部门]解密报告的含义相反,根据我们对各种公开和非公开信息的调查,我们得出的结论是,有迹象表明,SARS-CoV-2可能与中国的生物武器研究计划有关,并在实验室相关期间蔓延到人口中。报告摘要说:”这起事件发生在武汉病毒研究所。 他说:「集成电路未能在最新的分类评估中充分处理这些资料。 当我们试图向IC提出问题时,IC没有做出回应。”      

China protest over brutal lockdown 中国抗议野蛮封锁

www.instagram.com/reel/ClaS0xsAaWM/   https://www.nbcnews.com/news/china/covid-protests-escalate-china-lockdown-anger-rcna59324 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/china/covid-protests-escalate-china-lockdown-anger-rcna59324   ….  People in the Chinese manufacturing hub of Guangzhou clashed with white hazmat-suited riot police on Tuesday night, online videos showed, the latest in a string of protests that escalated over the weekend over stringent Covid-19 lockdowns. The clashes, which follow protests in Shanghai, Beijing and elsewhere, erupted as China posts record numbers […]

Fauci on Covid lab leak theory: ‘I have a completely open mind’ – POLITICO

He also criticized China’s Covid-19 response as “shutdowns without a seeming purpose.” — Read on www.politico.com/news/2022/11/27/fauci-china-covid-lab-leak-theory-00070867

In perhaps the most dangerous confrontation, residents in Shanghai shouted “Xi Jinping, step down!” and “Communist Party, step down!” according to the Washington Post. The protests in Shanghai centred on Urumqi Road, named after the capital of Xinjiang.

    在也许是最危险的对抗中,上海居民高喊“习近平,下台!” 和“共产党,下台!” 据《华盛顿邮报》报道。 上海的抗议活动集中在以新疆首府命名的乌鲁木齐路。 https://www.stuff.co.nz/world/asia/300750613/chinas-covid-protests-why-theyre-happening-and-why-theyre-significantflip.it/TGoz6U   武汉 汉正街此刻街头聚集了大量的民众 pic.twitter.com/V9kiaBM6Xl — 李老师不是你老师 (@whyyoutouzhele) November 27, 2022     Hundreds of people spilled out onto the streets here in Beijing tonight to demand an end to zero covid. The gathering began as a candlelight vigil for victims in Urumqi, Xinjiang who were killed in a […]