China admits its Covid deaths are ‘huge’ and 70% of Shanghai’s 25m residents have been infected | Daily Mail Online

The steep rise in infections came after years of Beijing’s ‘zero-Covid’ approach was abruptly stopped last month with little warning, and quickly overwhelmed hospitals and crematoriums. — Read on 中国官员承认,该国与新冠病毒相关的死亡总数“巨大”,一位医生表示,上海2500万居民中有多达70%可能已被感染。

New Year Eve spurs hope in China, censors target online COVID content | Reuters

  Weibo users criticized the removal of a video of real-life stories from 2022 that captivated the public. — Read on 微博用户批评删除了2022年吸引公众的现实故事视频。

Anti-Authoritarian Collective Action Is Happening on a Mass Scale in China – Truthout

上海的年轻愤怒的抗议者面对包围他们的警察,高呼自由,高喊:”难道你不应该为人民服务吗?” 11月26日晚,数百人聚集在上海乌鲁木齐路,这是新疆省省会乌鲁木齐市一座高层住宅楼举行悼念火灾遇难者的标志性场所。   This resistance is the result of a confluence of immediate catalysts and long-term political and economic dynamics. — Read on  

China protest over brutal lockdown 中国抗议野蛮封锁   ….  People in the Chinese manufacturing hub of Guangzhou clashed with white hazmat-suited riot police on Tuesday night, online videos showed, the latest in a string of protests that escalated over the weekend over stringent Covid-19 lockdowns. The clashes, which follow protests in Shanghai, Beijing and elsewhere, erupted as China posts record numbers […]

This happened at XInjiang house fire results 10 death by Xi’s brutal lockdown   The fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, the last screams of the residents who were burned to death, other residents could only stand by the window to watch, because everyone was locked at home. 在新疆乌鲁木齐大火中,居民最后的惨叫声被烧死,其他居民只能站在窗边观看,因为大家都锁在家里。   The fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, the last screams of the residents who were burned to death, other residents could […]