Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion | Daily Mail Online 随着尸体堆积在火葬场和殡仪馆,中国家庭“开始在街上焚烧亲人的尸体”

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion as corpses pile up in crematoriums and funeral homes — Read on   video from dailymail website :   据报道,由于紧急服务及火葬场未能容纳大量死者,市民被迫在街上焚烧家人尸体。 真让人心碎 #CHINA: The #COVID outbreak is reportedly forcing people to burn the bodies of their families members on […]

This happened at XInjiang house fire results 10 death by Xi’s brutal lockdown   The fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, the last screams of the residents who were burned to death, other residents could only stand by the window to watch, because everyone was locked at home. 在新疆乌鲁木齐大火中,居民最后的惨叫声被烧死,其他居民只能站在窗边观看,因为大家都锁在家里。   The fire in Urumqi, Xinjiang, the last screams of the residents who were burned to death, other residents could […]