2024年3月,新冠病毒的一种强变种正在中国迅速传播,但中国当局正试图将其化为乌有。 毕竟中国 A strong variant of covid19 is spreading rapidly in China in March 2024, but Chinese authorities are trying to turn it into nothing. After all, China

如今,与病毒共存已成为中国人的日常生活。 但问题是,……在中国不太卫生的环境和中国人的生活方式下,更强烈的变种一次又一次地出现。Nowdays, Living with Virus is a very common daily life for Chinese people. But the Problem is,…. Under lightly-hygienic circumstance of China and Chinese’s life style, more strong variant comes out again and again.

中国再次向世界传播新疾病。China spreading new Virus to the World again. 中国在COVID-19大流行期间实施的严格封锁是患有呼吸道疾病的儿童激增的部分原因

China is spoiling the World again by China Virus after covid pandemic. Now, The process is the same with 2019, Nov. China saying ” no special phenumonia” “No special Concern”. They are cheating World again. Why all New diseas comes from China always ? 继新冠疫情之后,中国再次被中国病毒破坏了世界。 现在的流程和2019年11月中国说的“没有特殊现象”“没有特别关注”是一样的。 他们又在欺骗世界了。 为什么所有的新疾病总是来自中国? The World Health Organization has requested China […]

China’s population shrinks for the first time in six decades | Daily Mail Online 中国人口60年来首次萎缩,预测显示,到2100年,中国人口可能会缩小一半——印度将于4月超过世界最大人口

China’s population shrinks for the first time in six decades and projections say it could HALF by 2100 – with India set to overtake as world’s biggest in April — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11643233/Chinas-population-shrinks-time-six-decades.html 随着劳动力老龄化,拥有14亿人口的出生率暴跌至创纪录的低点 国家统计局报告称,自2021年以来减少了85万人 中国目前的出生率为1.2,远低于维持人口增长的出生率 印度有望在4月14日超过中国人口,成为最大人口

WHO working with China on Lunar New Year COVID risks, lacks data | Reuters 世卫组织还表示,尽管中国现在提供了更多关于新冠肺炎疫情的信息,但中国仍然严重低估了新冠肺炎的死亡报告。 新冠肺炎技术负责人Maria Van Kerkhove说:“我们正在与中国合作填补一些非常重要的信息空白。” 中国拒绝了国际社会对其统计数据的怀疑,认为其出于政治动机试图抹杀其在抗击病毒方面的成就。

The WHO also said China is still heavily underreporting deaths from COVID-19, although it is now providing more information on its outbreak. “There are some very important information gaps that we are working with China to fill,” said COVID-19 technical lead, Maria Van Kerkhove. China has rejected international scepticism of its statistics as politically motivated […]

China’s Epidemic of Mistrust: How Xi Jinping’s COVID-19 U-Turn Will Make the Country Harder to Govern 中国的不信任疫情 习近平的新冠肺炎U型转弯将如何使国家更难治理

China’s Epidemic of Mistrust How Xi’s COVID-19 U-Turn Will Make the Country Harder to Govern — Read on www.foreignaffairs.com/china/china-epidemic-mistrust-xi-jinping-covid-19 然而,COVID-19危机可能是一个例外。习近平坚持零新冠病毒,这不仅是他的标志性政策,也是中国制度优越性的证明。现在整个政策大厦都崩溃了,很难看出他怎么能捡起碎片。这一错误的全部代价尚不清楚——不断上升的社会不满最终可能会削弱该党精英的凝聚力——但很难想象该党自己摆脱这场危机,完全毫发无损。

Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists | South China Morning Post 泰国开始筛查抵达者,以获得新冠肺炎疫苗接种证明,为中国游客的涌入做准备

Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists — Read on www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3206053/thailand-starts-screening-arrivals-proof-covid-vaccinations-it-braces-influx-chinese-tourists 从周一开始,所有飞往泰国的外国人必须出示至少两次注射的证据,或证明他们最近已经从病毒中康复 这些规则将适用到1月31日。这个东南亚国家预计将在未来三个月内迎来30万中国游客

Beijing has suspended more than 1,000 social media accounts critical of its zero-COVID policy – POLITICO 北京打击社交媒体对新冠病毒政策的批评 中国社交媒体平台新浪微博对1120个帐户发布临时或永久禁令。

Beijing clamps down on social media critics of COVID policies Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo issues temporary or permanent bans on 1,120 accounts. — Read on www.politico.eu/article/china-zero-covid-policy-coronavirus-social-media-critics-sina-weibo/ 据美联社报道,相当于中国推特的新浪微博表示,在处理了12800多起违规行为,包括对专家、学者和医务人员的袭击后,它已对1120个帐户发布了临时或永久禁令。

Why do China’s ‘mild’ Covid symptoms feel so unbearable? | 为什么中国的“轻度”新冠肺炎症状感觉如此难以忍受?

By lumping asymptomatic and mild cases together, Beijing gave people the ‘wrong expectation’, experts say. — Read on www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3205869/why-do-chinas-mild-covid-symptoms-feel-so-unbearable 专家表示,通过将无症状和轻度病例混为一谈,北京给了人们“错误的期望” 中国的分类是“错误的、误导性的和不可接受的”:病毒学家 Opinion : Is he a real covid expert ? Then how come he and all Chinese people cheered up and proudly said ” We won over the war of covid ! ” until just […]

State of the Union: What were the top stories in the EU this week? | Euronews 周三,欧盟国家同意“强烈鼓励”要求所有来自中国的旅客,无论其国籍如何,在登上飞往欧洲的航班之前参加考试。

Wednesday, EU countries agreed to “strongly encourage” a requirement for all travellers from China, regardless of nationality, to take a test before boarding a flight to Europe. — Read on www.euronews.com/my-europe/2023/01/06/state-of-the-union-what-were-the-top-stories-in-the-eu-this-week E 不具有法律约束力的决定是由欧盟综合政治危机应对机构做出的,该机构帮助协调27个成员国的危机管理。德国外交部长Annalena Baerbock强调了合作的必要性。 她说,我们需要非常认真地对待冠状病毒从中国传出的消息,中国最近发布的信息很少。 不仅欧洲的密切协调如此重要,而且我们与世界卫生组织合作,充分透明地了解中国当前的局势。

EXPLAINER: Is China sharing enough COVID-19 information? | AP News 中国政府经常持有来自本国公众的信息,特别是任何对执政的共产党产生负面影响的信息。官方媒体对火葬激增的可怕报道视不屑一顾,随着卫生系统达到容量,人们从一家医院跑到一家医院竞相试图接受治疗。政府官员指责外国媒体炒作这一情况。

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — As COVID-19 rips through China , other countries and the World Health Organization are calling on its government to share more comprehensive data on the outbreak. — Read on apnews.com/article/china-covid19-data-sharing-77a28c2fc02f4c01774db8836762b608 中国官员一再表示,他们正在分享信息,指出GISAID的顺序以及与世卫组织的会面。 但世卫组织官员一再要求更多——不仅在基因测序方面,而且在住院、重症监护病房入院和死亡方面。世卫组织总干事Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus本周对中国的生命风险表示关切。 联合国卫生机构负责人说:“数据对于世卫组织对全球局势进行定期、快速和强有力的风险评估仍然至关重要。”

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no | The Straits Times 美国一直向中国提供新冠肺炎疫苗,但中国一直说不

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no — Read on www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/the-us-keeps-offering-china-its-covid-19-vaccines-but-china-keeps-saying-no 在北京与快速蔓延的新冠肺炎浪潮作斗争时,中国拒绝了美国一再提出的分享先进疫苗的提议,这种拒绝导致担心疫情死灰复燃的美国官员越来越沮丧。 据要求在讨论审议时不愿透露姓名的美国官员称,美国担心新变种的兴起及其对中国经济的影响,多次通过私人渠道向习近平主席政府提供mRNA疫苗和其他援助。

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion | Daily Mail Online 随着尸体堆积在火葬场和殡仪馆,中国家庭“开始在街上焚烧亲人的尸体”

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion as corpses pile up in crematoriums and funeral homes — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11597955/Chinese-families-start-burning-bodies-loved-ones-streets-amid-Covid-explosion.html   video from dailymail website :  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11597955/Chinese-families-start-burning-bodies-loved-ones-streets-amid-Covid-explosion.html#v-4480986981356584635   据报道,由于紧急服务及火葬场未能容纳大量死者,市民被迫在街上焚烧家人尸体。 真让人心碎 #CHINA: The #COVID outbreak is reportedly forcing people to burn the bodies of their families members on […]

Peak China? by Joseph S. Nye, Jr. – Project Syndicate

Joseph S. Nye, Jr. considers the country’s long-term prospects of competing with America following its latest stumbles. — Read on www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/peak-china-debate-calls-for-careful-assessment-by-joseph-s-nye-2023-01 中国零新冠病毒政策的失败正在导致对中国实力的重新评估。直到最近,许多人预计到2030年或之后不久,中国的GDP将超过美国。但现在,一些分析师认为,即使中国实现了这一目标,美国也将再次飙升。那么,我们已经见证了“中国高峰”了吗?

China admits its Covid deaths are ‘huge’ and 70% of Shanghai’s 25m residents have been infected | Daily Mail Online

The steep rise in infections came after years of Beijing’s ‘zero-Covid’ approach was abruptly stopped last month with little warning, and quickly overwhelmed hospitals and crematoriums. — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11594391/China-admits-Covid-deaths-huge-70-Shanghais-25m-residents-infected.html 中国官员承认,该国与新冠病毒相关的死亡总数“巨大”,一位医生表示,上海2500万居民中有多达70%可能已被感染。