After 3 years of Covid, CNN went into rural China for Lunar New Year. Here’s what we found and how officials tried stopping us 经过3年的新冠肺炎疫情,CNN为了迎接春节来到了中国农村。 下面是我们发现的东西,以及官员们如何阻止我们After 3 years of Covid, CNN went into rural China for Lunar New Year. Here’s what we found and how officials tried stopping us

We saw them say something to the staff there, then suddenly no one would speak to us, so I went outside and asked nearby stores if they had seen lines outside the clinic a few weeks ago. Every time, the government minder would interrupt the conversation to speak to the interviewee, clearly telling them not to say anything.

The government officials again appeared at the next hospital we visited. This time, there were more of them. I tried confronting them, asking why they were following us. Anytime I spoke to them, they would immediately walk away and ignore me. Then, the moment I turned away, they would continue tailing us, while obstructing our reporting.

我们看到他们在那里对员工说些什么,然后突然没有人跟我们说话,于是我出去问附近的商店,他们几周前是否在诊所外面看到排队。 每次,政府指导员都会打断谈话,与被采访者交谈,明确地告诉他们不要说什么。

政府官员再次出现在我们访问的下一所医院。 这一次,他们更多了。 我试着面对他们,问他们为什么跟踪我们。 每次我跟他们说话,他们都会立刻走开,不理我。 然后,我一转身,他们就会继续跟踪我们,同时阻碍我们的报道。×9&q=h_720,w_1280,c_fill×9&q=h_720,w_1280,c_fill×9&q=h_720,w_1280,c_fill

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