China fails to release cremation data from late 2022 when its Covid-19 outbreak raged 中国未能公布 2022 年底 Covid-19 疫情肆虐期间的火葬数据 Chinese province saw cremations jump during COVID surge 新冠疫情激增期间,中国省份火葬数量猛增 The World Health Organisation has said China has not given a full account of how many of its 1.4 billion population succumbed to the disease after it abruptly abandoned strict COVID curbs in December last year. China said around 80,000 people died from COVID in hospitals across the country in the first two months after […]

Chinese province saw cremations jump during COVID surge. Chinese Media Deletes Article on Surge in Cremations After Covid.

新冠疫情激增期间,中国省份火葬数量猛增中国媒体删除了有关新冠疫情后火葬数量激增的文章 Cremations in the Chinese province of Zhejiang rose more than 70% year-on-year in the first quarter, government data showed, an unexplained jump that occurred as a COVID outbreak swept the country. About 171,000 cremations were registered in Zhejiang – home to around 5% of China’s population – in the first three months […]

无视专家,中国突然退出零新冠病毒,夺走了生命 | 美联社新闻 Ignoring experts, China’s sudden zero-COVID exit cost lives | AP News

一位前中国疾控中心官员说:“即使提前三天通知也不错。”“发生这种情况的方式令人难以置信。” 很快,病人占领了急诊病房,病人分散在地板上。新冠肺炎抗病毒药物在黑市上以每盒数千美元的价格出售。 中国疾控中心后来估计,在短短六周内,该国约80%的人被感染——超过10亿人。但根据一名前官方媒体记者获得并在网上发布的泄露指令,即使死亡人数增加,当局也命令官方媒体转移对中国突然重新开放的批评。 “大力宣传,”它命令道。“反驳美国和西方提出的我们‘被迫打开’和‘没有准备的’的虚假主张。”—阅读     Even three days’ notice would have been good,” said a former China CDC official. “The way this happened was just unbelievable.” Soon, the sick overran emergency wards and patients sprawled on floors. COVID-19 antivirals sold for thousands of dollars a box on the black market. In just six […]

Shanghai hospitals overwhelmed as Covid cases spike 上海医院因新冠肺炎患者剧增而蜂拥而至

A month after mainland China ditched its zero-Covid policy, hospitals have been seeing a surge in the number of Covid-19 patients. The Post visited two hospitals in Shanghai, where emergency rooms were swamped with patients, many of them elderly. 中国大陆放弃零新冠肺炎政策一个月后,医院新冠肺炎患者剧增。 《邮报》走访了上海的两家医院,那里的急诊室挤满了病人,其中许多是老年人。