Ethiopia’s China Addis Ababa rail collapse $60m problem | Semafor 埃塞俄比亚的中国亚的斯亚贝巴铁路坍塌6000万美元问题

The Chinese-built light rail network in Ethiopia’s capital is on the brink of collapse, with only a fifth of its trains still in service seven years after its launch and the network requires a revamp that would cost more than $60 million. — Read on 中国在埃塞俄比亚首都建造的轻轨网络濒临崩溃,其列车在推出七年后仍在使用,该网络需要进行耗资6000多万美元的改造。

当愚昧的人占绝大多数时,清醒者必是另类,要么被同化,要么被打压,别无选择… 这也就是清醒的人在中共国觉得窒息的原因吧? Words penetrate the bone There are eight important evidence of Chinese ignorance: 1. 90% of people think that the Old Summer Palace was burned by the Eight-Nation Alliance; 2. 90% of people think that China won the Korean War. 3. 90% think that housing prices are done by local merchants! 4. 90% of people […]

Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes. 非洲基础设施项目的中国工人:与东道国政权的联系

Chinese workers on Africa’s infrastructure projects: the link with host political regimes — Read on 为什么这很重要 我们的发现有几个重要的含义。首先,东道国机构很重要。东道国政府有能力确保中国公司在当地招聘。 其次,在当地雇用的项目可能会给东道国带来更多的长期经济利益。这既可以通过他们创造的就业机会,也可以通过向更广泛的经济转让知识和技术转让来实现。因此,我们的分析表明,中国建筑基础设施更广泛的发展效益实际上在民主国家可能比在专制国家更强大。 最后,这对中国的外交政策和外交关系有影响。许多中国公民在专制国家,在那里他们可能会受到le的欢迎

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset | Opinions | Al Jazeera. 科技巨头离开中国的枢纽可以带来人权重置 对于像苹果这样的公司来说,与中国脱钩可能是改善其人权记录的机会。

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset For companies like Apple, decoupling from China can be an opportunity to improve their human rights record. — Read on 他们应该抵制政府任意限制言论自由的命令,并在供应链中实施劳动保护。 他们应该完全透明地了解如何与政府谈判市场准入和许可协议,并公开此类文件,以授权独立监督。 公司应该制定强有力的政策,说明在面临政府压力时如何履行其人权责任,并与民间社会进行公开磋商,以制定明确的基准和红线。 公司必须致力于独立的人权影响评估,这些评估应随着条件的变化进行修订,并公开提供。 这些公司的股东团体还应该向公司领导层强调遵守其人权责任的重要性。

Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists | South China Morning Post 泰国开始筛查抵达者,以获得新冠肺炎疫苗接种证明,为中国游客的涌入做准备

Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists — Read on 从周一开始,所有飞往泰国的外国人必须出示至少两次注射的证据,或证明他们最近已经从病毒中康复 这些规则将适用到1月31日。这个东南亚国家预计将在未来三个月内迎来30万中国游客

State of the Union: What were the top stories in the EU this week? | Euronews 周三,欧盟国家同意“强烈鼓励”要求所有来自中国的旅客,无论其国籍如何,在登上飞往欧洲的航班之前参加考试。

Wednesday, EU countries agreed to “strongly encourage” a requirement for all travellers from China, regardless of nationality, to take a test before boarding a flight to Europe. — Read on E 不具有法律约束力的决定是由欧盟综合政治危机应对机构做出的,该机构帮助协调27个成员国的危机管理。德国外交部长Annalena Baerbock强调了合作的必要性。 她说,我们需要非常认真地对待冠状病毒从中国传出的消息,中国最近发布的信息很少。 不仅欧洲的密切协调如此重要,而且我们与世界卫生组织合作,充分透明地了解中国当前的局势。

Wild claim as Chinese tourists to return to Australia

China has been accused of a sinister act as Chinese tourists are set to travel the world for the first time in three years. — Read on

BBC says Chinese police assaulted journalist covering protest | The Straits Times 中国警方袭击抗议记者

Mr Ed Lawrence was beaten and kicked by police during his hours-long detention. Read more at — Read on       A statement from the BBC on what happened to me in Shanghai last night while doing my job. I understand at least one local national was arrested after trying to stop […]

UK police identify ‘a number of offences’ in alleged assault of Hong Kong protester at Chinese consulate 英国警方在中国领事馆查明了涉嫌袭击香港抗议者的“一些罪行” The Chinese Consul-General in Manchester, Zheng Xiyuan, who was seen pulling the protester’s hair, told UK media “it’s my duty” to react as the man “abused” his country and his leader. The Greater Manchester Police said on Monday’s statement that their investigators have been gathering a range of evidence including “CCTV, police body-worn video, mobile phone […]

US FCC bans sales, import of Chinese tech from Huawei, ZTE | AP News 美国联邦通信委员会禁止从华为、中兴通讯销售和进口中国科技

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is banning the sale of communications equipment made by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE and restricting the use of some China-made video surveillance systems, citing an “unacceptable risk” to national security. — Read on