Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset | Opinions | Al Jazeera. 科技巨头离开中国的枢纽可以带来人权重置 对于像苹果这样的公司来说,与中国脱钩可能是改善其人权记录的机会。

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset For companies like Apple, decoupling from China can be an opportunity to improve their human rights record. — Read on 他们应该抵制政府任意限制言论自由的命令,并在供应链中实施劳动保护。 他们应该完全透明地了解如何与政府谈判市场准入和许可协议,并公开此类文件,以授权独立监督。 公司应该制定强有力的政策,说明在面临政府压力时如何履行其人权责任,并与民间社会进行公开磋商,以制定明确的基准和红线。 公司必须致力于独立的人权影响评估,这些评估应随着条件的变化进行修订,并公开提供。 这些公司的股东团体还应该向公司领导层强调遵守其人权责任的重要性。

Peng Shuai: WTA demands ’in person’ meeting before resuming tournaments in China. 彭帅:WTA要求在中国恢复锦标赛之前举行“面对面”会议

In November 2021, the ex-doubles world number one raised concerns when she accused top Chinese official, Zhang Gaoli of sexual assault.  Peng made the claim on the social media site Weibo but the post was quickly deleted and the tennis star then disappeared from the public eye for a number of weeks.  — Read on […]

‘The Chinese Communist Party is on the verge of turning today’s China into yesterday’s Soviet Union’ “中国共产党即将将今天的中国转变为昨天的苏联”

The resumption of the Chinese economy by the Communist Party confronts the country with the same obstacles that brought down the USSR at the end of the 1980s, analyze the two economists Di Guo and Chenggang Xu, in an article in — Read on

China says spread of Covid ‘impossible’ to track as infections soar in Beijing | China | The Guardian 中国卫生当局表示,现在“无法”追踪 Covid-19 在中国的传播,并宣布他们已停止在日常统计中记录无症状病例。

All chinese and ccp said few month ago “We won over virus ! “ 几个月前,所有中国人和中共都说 “我们战胜了病毒!”   The spread of Covid-19 in China is now “impossible” to track, the country’s health authorities have said, announcing they have stopped recording asymptomatic cases in their daily tallies. 中国表示,随着北京地区感染人数剧增,新冠肺炎的传播情况”无法”追踪 由于新冠肺炎的严格政策突然结束,医疗用品和检查工具不足,保健当局停止了无症状病例记录。— Read on  

Zero COVID’s Failure Is Xi Jinping’s Failure – The Atlantic 零 COVID 的失败是 XI 的失败 现在中国的病例数无论发生什么变化,都是一个人做主。

ZERO COVID’S FAILURE IS XI’S FAILURE Whatever happens with case counts in China now, one person owns them. — Read on For three years, China’s leader, Xi Jinping, fought a remorseless battle against COVID-19. He called it a “people’s war”—a national struggle to defeat an unseen foe and save lives. The contest locked families in their […]

China’s Xi Jinping has former-president dragged out of meeting on live TV | Flipboard

China’s ex-president Hu Jintao was seen being removed from a congress meeting by security as Xi Jinping continues to assert his dominance. Two security guards led the 79-year-old off stage as he looked confused as to why he was removed. — Read on 随着习近平继续占据主导地位,中国前总统胡锦涛被安全部门解除了国会会议的职务。两名保安带领这名79岁的男子下台,因为他看起来很困惑,不知道自己为什么被免职。