‘You’re ruining my family’: high-speed stand-off as woman in China refuses to give up train seat booked by another passenger | South China Morning Post “你毁了我的家庭”:高速对峙,因为中国妇女拒绝放弃另一名乘客预订的火车座位

女人只支付站立票,但想和丈夫坐在一起当预订并支付座位的乘客到达,而女人拒绝移动时,紧张的僵局就开始了—在www.scmp.com上阅读 Woman only pays for standing ticket but wants to sit with husband Tense stand-off begins when passenger who booked and paid for seat arrives and woman refuses to move — Read on www.scmp.com/news/people-culture/trending-china/article/3227327/youre-ruining-my-family-high-speed-stand-woman-china-refuses-give-train-seat-booked-another

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness | American Military News 中国强迫记者参加考试,以展示忠诚、政治正确性

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness — Read on americanmilitarynews.com/2023/01/china-forces-journalists-to-take-exam-to-demonstrate-loyalty-political-correctness/ 申请人必须支持中国共产党的领导,认真学习、宣传和贯彻习近平关于中国特色社会主义新时代的思想,坚决贯彻党的理论、路线、原则和政策,坚持正确的政治方向和舆论指导。”

Zero COVID’s Failure Is Xi Jinping’s Failure – The Atlantic 零 COVID 的失败是 XI 的失败 现在中国的病例数无论发生什么变化,都是一个人做主。

ZERO COVID’S FAILURE IS XI’S FAILURE Whatever happens with case counts in China now, one person owns them. — Read on www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/12/zero-covids-failure-is-xi-jinpings-failure/672422/ For three years, China’s leader, Xi Jinping, fought a remorseless battle against COVID-19. He called it a “people’s war”—a national struggle to defeat an unseen foe and save lives. The contest locked families in their […]

China’s Xi Jinping has former-president dragged out of meeting on live TV | Flipboard

China’s ex-president Hu Jintao was seen being removed from a congress meeting by security as Xi Jinping continues to assert his dominance. Two security guards led the 79-year-old off stage as he looked confused as to why he was removed. — Read on flipboard.com/video/independent/001b3b4722 随着习近平继续占据主导地位,中国前总统胡锦涛被安全部门解除了国会会议的职务。两名保安带领这名79岁的男子下台,因为他看起来很困惑,不知道自己为什么被免职。

China’s censorship regime will hone in on social media to stamp out protests and dissent 中国的审查制度将在社交媒体上磨练,以消除抗议和异议

China’s censorship regime will hone in on social media to stamp out protests and dissent China is already a world leader in state surveillance including facial recognition and gait analysis. Now it’s about to go even further — Read on inews.co.uk/news/world/china-censorship-regime-social-media-protests-dissent-2001820 中国的审查制度将加强社交媒体以压制抗议和异议 中国在包括面部识别和步态分析在内的国家监控方面已经处于世界领先地位。 现在它即将走得更远

COVID protests erupt in China’s Xinjiang after deadly fire

Large crowds confronted hazmat-suited guards about long COVID lockdowns after a deadly fire. — Read on nypost.com/2022/11/26/covid-protests-erupt-in-chinas-xinjiang-after-deadly-fire/