很符合对中共的想象 CCP’s imagination

很符合对中共的想象-外交部发言人说台湾当局那少数民众的血汗钱去维系所谓邦交关系-评论区全是嘲讽 Very much in line with the CCP’s imagination – Taiwan’s foreign ministry spokesman said the few people in the Taiwan authorities had spent their hard-earned money to maintain so-called diplomatic ties – the comment section was full of derision

看看这个中国的警察!非常适合野蛮国家的官员。look at this China’s police ! Very suit officials for savage country.

“你没看见我穿制服?”陕西榆林,一家餐馆内,只因为一旁吃饭的司机多瞄了身穿制服的男子一眼,男子把饭倒进垃圾桶里,掐着司机脖子让司机吃垃圾桶里的剩饭。这真是活脱脱一名中共制服土匪. 政府的同级官员 Same level of officials for the government “Didn’t you see me wearing a uniform?” In a restaurant in Yulin, Shaanxi, just because the driver eating next to him glanced at the man in uniform, the man poured the food into the trash can, pinched the driver’s neck and made him eat from the […]

一个女孩很勇敢,但99.99%的中国男性都是懦夫。 中国男性只对妻子、孩子和比他弱的人大喊大叫和愤怒 One girl is brave but 99.99% of Chinese male are coward. Chinese male shouting and anger only to wife, to kids and to weak people than him

2月29日北京,一位勇敢的姑娘在街头大声呼叫宪法赋予人民的各项权利,呼吁大家起来承担起落实宪法的责任!她应该知道,虽然宪法就在那里,但谈论宪法的某些条款在中共国却是犯罪! On February 29th in Beijing, a brave girl shouted loudly on the streets for the various rights granted to the people by the Constitution, calling on everyone to rise up and take responsibility for implementing the Constitution! She should know that although the Constitution is there, talking about certain provisions of the Constitution is […]

“中国会损失更多”:美国考虑制裁援助俄罗斯战争的中国公司 ‘China has a lot more to lose’: U.S. considering sanctioning Chinese firms aiding Russia’s war

美国国会议员告诉 CNBC,美国正在考虑对其认为正在帮助俄罗斯助长乌克兰战争的中国公司实施制裁。立法者可能“很快”会遵循欧盟的类似提议,这将标志着北京因所谓的对莫斯科的军事支持而受到的首次直接惩罚。“中国必须明白,开始在俄罗斯真正实施的同类制裁……也可以适用于中国,”参议员杰拉尔德·康诺利说。 https://www.cnbc.com/2024/02/19/china-has-a-lot-more-to-lose-us-considering-sanctioning-chinese-firms-aiding-russias-war.html The U.S. is considering slapping sanctions on Chinese companies it believes are helping Russia fuel its war in Ukraine, members of Congress told CNBC.Lawmakers may “very soon” follow similar proposals from the EU, in what would mark the first direct penalties against Beijing over its alleged military support for Moscow.“China has to […]

这是中国. 数千人抗议 14 岁少年的神秘死亡和随后的掩盖.警察用装甲车袭击抗议者 Barbaric China. Thousands Protest 14-Year-Old’s Mysterious Death and Subsequent Coverup. Police hit protesters with armored vehicle

https://hrichina.substack.com/p/thousands-protest-14-year-olds-mysterious In Henan, thousands have gathered to protest the death and possible gruesome murder of a 14-year-old student, as well as the government’s apparent complicity in helping the school cover it up. According to reports from “Li Laoshi” (@whyyoutouzhele) on Twitter and the “Yesterday” (@YesterdayBigcat) protest-tracking account, the student’s family was notified at 6am on December 24 that […]

在外国部门会见香港媒体大亨吉米·赖的儿子后,中国抨击了英国的“恶意意图” China blasts UK’s ‘malicious intentions’ after foreign sec. meets son of Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai – Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

75岁的英国公民、现已关闭的小报《苹果日报》的创始人Lai自2020年以来一直在香港坐牢,等待根据有争议的国家安全法涉嫌“与外国势力勾结”的审判。 Lai, a 75-year-old British citizen and founder of the now-shuttered tabloid Apple Daily, has been behind bars in Hong Kong since 2020, awaiting trial for alleged “collusion with foreign forces” under a controversial national security law. — Read on hongkongfp.com/2023/12/13/china-blasts-uks-malicious-intentions-after-foreign-sec-meets-son-of-hong-kong-media-mogul-jimmy-lai/

Biden labels Chinese President Xi a dictator 拜登将中国国家主席习近平称为独裁者

President Joe Biden called Chinese leader Xi Jinping a dictator, soon after Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrapped up his first official visit to Beijing. 在国务卿安东尼·布林肯结束对北京的首次正式访问后不久,乔·拜登总统称中国领导人习近平为独裁者。 https://www.cnbc.com/2023/06/21/biden-labels-chinese-president-xi-a-dictator.html

云南抗议:清真寺关闭与安全部队发生冲突 Yunnan protest: Mosque closure sees clashes with security forces – BBC News

周六,社交媒体视频显示,纳古镇13世纪的纳家英清真寺外有人群。警察和当地人之间爆发了混战,他们被数百名武装警察所控制。云南是中国南方一个种族多样化的省份,拥有大量穆斯林人口。中国正式成为无神论者,政府表示允许宗教自由。但观察人士表示,近年来,对有组织宗教的镇压有所增加——北京正在寻求更大的控制。Social media videos showed crowds outside the 13th-century Najiaying Mosque in Nagu town on Saturday.Scuffles broke out between police and locals, who were hemmed in by hundreds of armed officers.Yunnan, an ethnically-diverse province in southern China, has a significant Muslim population.China is officially atheist and the government says it allows religious freedom. But observers say […]

China’s authorities are quietly rounding up people who protested against COVID rules : NPR 中国当局正在悄悄地围捕抗议新冠病毒规则的人

Residents held vigils to commemorate people who have died in lockdown. Several have been arrested. — Read on www.npr.org/2023/01/11/1148251868/china-covid-lockdown-protests-arrests 他们被追踪并被拘留 镇压来得很快。 使用电话塔数据,警方能够粗略地测量11月27日晚在梁马河附近的人。他们召集了守夜人员或晚上参观了他们的家。大多数参与者经过几个小时的询问后被释放了,但编辑越来越害怕地看着她的朋友被一个接一个地拘留。 这位报纸记者多次被问及她参加了哪些女权主义组织和活动。当询问一名在一家跨国公司担任会计师的妇女时,警方特别咄咄逼人,她经常参加现场摇滚音乐活动。 该会计师一直在加密消息应用程序Telegram上关于守夜的聊天组中。据警方推断,由于她碰巧是聊天组的管理员,她一定是示威组织者。

Google refused Hong Kong request over protest anthem – HK official | Reuters

Google has refused to change its search results to display China’s national anthem, rather than a protest song, when users search for Hong Kong’s national anthem, the city’s security chief said on Monday, expressing “great regret” at the decision. — Read on www.reuters.com/technology/google-refused-hong-kong-request-over-protest-anthem-hk-official-2022-12-12/

Zero COVID’s Failure Is Xi Jinping’s Failure – The Atlantic 零 COVID 的失败是 XI 的失败 现在中国的病例数无论发生什么变化,都是一个人做主。

ZERO COVID’S FAILURE IS XI’S FAILURE Whatever happens with case counts in China now, one person owns them. — Read on www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2022/12/zero-covids-failure-is-xi-jinpings-failure/672422/ For three years, China’s leader, Xi Jinping, fought a remorseless battle against COVID-19. He called it a “people’s war”—a national struggle to defeat an unseen foe and save lives. The contest locked families in their […]