这是中国. 数千人抗议 14 岁少年的神秘死亡和随后的掩盖.警察用装甲车袭击抗议者 Barbaric China. Thousands Protest 14-Year-Old’s Mysterious Death and Subsequent Coverup. Police hit protesters with armored vehicle


In Henan, thousands have gathered to protest the death and possible gruesome murder of a 14-year-old student, as well as the government’s apparent complicity in helping the school cover it up. According to reports from “Li Laoshi” (@whyyoutouzhele) on Twitter and the “Yesterday” (@YesterdayBigcat) protest-tracking account, the student’s family was notified at 6am on December 24 that the deceased died in an “accident” at school, but was not allowed to see the body until late afternoon, when they discovered that the student bore signs of torture.

Because the school refused to release video footage or any other evidence, and because of suspicious circumstances related to the timing of the death, the family believes that the school was attempting to stall and hide what really happened. On December 27, ….

在河南,数千人聚集在一起抗议一名 14 岁学生的死亡和可能的可怕谋杀,以及政府明显合谋帮助学校掩盖此事。 据推特“李老师”(@whyyoutouzhele)和“昨天”(@YesterdayBigcat)抗议追踪账号报道,12月24日早上6点,该学生家属接到通知,死者在学校发生“意外”死亡, 但直到下午晚些时候才被允许看到尸体,当时他们发现这名学生有遭受酷刑的痕迹。

由于学校拒绝公布视频片段或任何其他证据,并且由于与死亡时间相关的可疑情况,家人认为学校试图拖延和隐瞒真正发生的事情。 12月27日,……



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