2024年3月,新冠病毒的一种强变种正在中国迅速传播,但中国当局正试图将其化为乌有。 毕竟中国 A strong variant of covid19 is spreading rapidly in China in March 2024, but Chinese authorities are trying to turn it into nothing. After all, China

如今,与病毒共存已成为中国人的日常生活。 但问题是,……在中国不太卫生的环境和中国人的生活方式下,更强烈的变种一次又一次地出现。Nowdays, Living with Virus is a very common daily life for Chinese people. But the Problem is,…. Under lightly-hygienic circumstance of China and Chinese’s life style, more strong variant comes out again and again.

中国试图“埋葬零新冠时代的记忆”和创伤。 他们知道那是多么可怕和野蛮的行为并且没有效果 China tries to ‘bury the memory’ and trauma of zero-COVID era. They know how that was terrible and barbarian behavior and no-effect

Loud success, quiet failure 一开始,中国的宣传和被洗脑的中国人民一起取得了巨大的成功,但失败却发生了,中国人假装不存在发生过的事情。 While the zero-COVID policy ended in failure and trauma, according to Hou, it was initially quite successful. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/12/21/china-tries-to-bury-the-memory-and-trauma-of-zero-covid-era “In 2020 and 2021, we luckily didn’t really feel the pandemic in China,” he said. After a late response to the initial COVID-19 outbreak in Wuhan, the Chinese authorities subsequently managed to […]

文件显示,中国实验室在北京告诉世界前两周绘制了致命的冠状病毒地图 Chinese Lab Mapped Deadly Coronavirus Two Weeks Before Beijing Told the World, Documents Show – WSJ

国会调查人员表示,中国研究人员在2019年12月下旬分离并绘制了导致新冠肺炎的病毒,至少在北京向世界披露致命病毒细节的两周前,再次对中国在疫情关键的早期了解提出了质疑。—阅读www.wsj.com/world/china/chinese-lab-mapped-deadly-coronavirus-two-weeks-before-beijing-told-the-world-documents-show-9bca8865 Chinese researchers isolated and mapped the virus that causes Covid-19 in late December 2019, at least two weeks before Beijing revealed details of the deadly virus to the world, congressional investigators said, raising questions anew about what China knew in the pandemic’s crucial early days. — Read on www.wsj.com/world/china/chinese-lab-mapped-deadly-coronavirus-two-weeks-before-beijing-told-the-world-documents-show-9bca8865 世界提醒中国对世界做了什么。 The World reminds what […]

美国众议院委员会报告称,中国故意推迟发布关键的新冠病毒基因测序 U.S. House Committee Report Alleges China Deliberately Delayed the Release of Critical COVID-19 Gene Sequencing

新冠病毒仍然在这里,但疫情在很大程度上被认为早已过去。 然而,美国众议院能源和商业委员会刚刚发布了一份新报告,概述了中国如何几周来推迟发布有关该病毒的关键遗传信息,可能推迟了疫苗的发布。 Veuer的Tony Spitz有细节。 查看更多关于视频、生命科学、遗传学、科学、中国、自然科学的视频。 —在flipboard.com/video/veuer/2e8b9f7bbf上阅读 COVID is still very much here, but the pandemic is largely considered long over. However a U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee has just released a new report, outlining how China delayed releasing crucial genetic information about the virus for weeks, possibly delaying a vaccine. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has […]

中国新的“神秘肺炎”听起来又像新冠病毒——这是我们目前所知道的 China’s New ‘Mystery Pneumonia’ Sounds Like COVID All Over Again — Here’s What We Know So Far – The Messenger.

所有过程与2019年11月武汉病毒大流行之初完全相同。All process Undergoing in China by Chinese Government are the exactly same with the beginning of Wuhan virus pandemic in Nov. 2019. 到目前为止,中国“专家——正如中国所坚持的那样”的所有评论都不是特殊现象。 2019年12月至2020年2月,中国“专家”到武汉考察后报告未发现人传人感染情况。 就连习近平也在新年假期开始时参观了火车站,然后告诉人们“人民,新年快乐!”。 在中国发生这种喜剧行为之后,许多中国人将这种严重的病毒传播到了世界。 All comment from Chinese “Expert – as china insist” are no special phenumonia till now. In Dec. 2019 ~ Feb. 2020, China’s “Expert” reported no human to human infection […]

Chinese province saw cremations jump during COVID surge. Chinese Media Deletes Article on Surge in Cremations After Covid.

新冠疫情激增期间,中国省份火葬数量猛增中国媒体删除了有关新冠疫情后火葬数量激增的文章 https://news.yahoo.com/chinese-province https://www.bloomberg.com Cremations in the Chinese province of Zhejiang rose more than 70% year-on-year in the first quarter, government data showed, an unexplained jump that occurred as a COVID outbreak swept the country. About 171,000 cremations were registered in Zhejiang – home to around 5% of China’s population – in the first three months […]

研究表明,中国的高速列车被粪便淹没 China’s high-speed trains are overwhelmed by poop, study says | South China Morning Post

研究人员发现,在火车站,人类垃圾化合物的含量比城市污水系统的其他部分高出数百甚至数千倍随着科学家竞相开发新技术来防止“系统崩溃”,基于细菌的方法可能会提供答案 Researchers find levels of human waste compounds are hundreds or even thousands of times higher at railway stations than rest of urban sewage system As scientists race to develop new technology to prevent ‘system meltdown’, bacteria-based method might offer answers — Read on www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3222641/chinas-high-speed-trains-are-overwhelmed-poop-study-says

中国新冠肺炎一周新增6500万人. China’s New Covid Wave Set to See 65 Million Cases a Week

https://www.reuters.com/world/china/china-reports-fourth-straight-daily-record-new-covid-cases-2022-11-27/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-05-22/china-s-new-covid-wave-set-to-see-65-million-cases-a-week?leadSource=uverify%20wall 一周内已感染6500万人,这是中国政府公布的数字。 全世界都知道中共公布的数字意味着什么。65millions have infected in a Week, this is the number of Chinese government announced. All the World knows what CCP announced numbers are mean.

中国带着这些危险产品来照顾我们的孩子 China is coming for our kids with these dangerous products | Fox News

中国是美国最大的芬太尼来源,其供应正在严重影响美国的年轻人。疾病控制和预防中心5月3日发布的数据显示,从2019年7月至12月到2021年7月至12月,涉及非法制造的芬太尼的过量死亡病例增长了182%。2021年,近7万名10-19岁的儿童死于芬太尼过量(有完整统计数据的最后一年),几乎是五年前的四倍。—在www.foxnews.com/opinion/china-coming-kids-these-dangerous-products上阅读 China is the United States’ largest source of fentanyl, and its supply is affecting America’s youth significantly. Data released on May 3 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrates that cases of overdose deaths involving illicitly manufactured fentanyl were up 182 percent from July-December 2019 to July-December 2021. Nearly 70,000 kids aged 10-19 died […]

中国,又是你! 不知反省与歉意的民族中国! 中国封锁台湾危害世界健康 China Is Endangering the World’s Health by Blocking Taiwan


https://www.newsweek.com/china-endangering-worlds-health-blocking-taiwan-opinion-1801020 中国,又是你! 不知反省与歉意的民族中国! 作为一个国际机构,世卫组织在理论上应该不涉及政治。 根据其宪法,其主要目标是”所有人民实现尽可能高的健康水平”。 由于中国没有合法权力统治台湾,所以它无法决定台湾的公共卫生政策、防疫措施、科研或相关事宜。 从公共卫生的角度来看,台湾加入WHA是必要的。 在一个通过国际旅行可以立即传播疾病的全球化世界中,排斥台湾或任何其他区域显然是对全人类的当前威胁。 这在新冠肺炎大流行时期得到了明显的证明。 台湾疾控中心是最早于2019年12月31日向世卫组织发出警告的政府实体,该机构在中国武汉出现新型传染病。 如果世卫组织对警告采取后续行动,世界将有额外宝贵的几周时间准备。 As an international body, the WHO should, in theory, be apolitical. According to its constitution, its primary objective is “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.” Since China has no legitimate authority to govern Taiwan, it is in no position […]

据报道,中国武汉的 Covid 举报人三年后获释。方斌因报道武汉爆发的 Covid-19 而成为当局的目标 China’s Covid whistleblower in Wuhan reportedly freed after three years.Fang Bin was targeted by authorities for reporting on the outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/may/03/china-covid-whistleblower-wuhan-fang-bin-reportedly-released-prison 方是许多中国人中的一员,他们因公开报道世界上第一次重大的 Covid-19 爆发和封锁事件而成为当局的目标。 他和同为公民记者的陈秋实于 2020 年 2 月从武汉失踪。2021 年 9 月,陈在他朋友的 YouTube 提要上直播了一段视频,称他患有抑郁症。 他没有提供有关他失踪的细节。 Fang was among a number of Chinese people who were targeted by authorities for publicly reporting the events of the world’s first major Covid-19 outbreak and lockdown. He and fellow citizen journalist Chen Qiushi, disappeared from Wuhan in February 2020. […]