美国众议院委员会报告称,中国故意推迟发布关键的新冠病毒基因测序 U.S. House Committee Report Alleges China Deliberately Delayed the Release of Critical COVID-19 Gene Sequencing

新冠病毒仍然在这里,但疫情在很大程度上被认为早已过去。 然而,美国众议院能源和商业委员会刚刚发布了一份新报告,概述了中国如何几周来推迟发布有关该病毒的关键遗传信息,可能推迟了疫苗的发布。 Veuer的Tony Spitz有细节。 查看更多关于视频、生命科学、遗传学、科学、中国、自然科学的视频。 —在flipboard.com/video/veuer/2e8b9f7bbf上阅读 COVID is still very much here, but the pandemic is largely considered long over. However a U.S. House Energy & Commerce Committee has just released a new report, outlining how China delayed releasing crucial genetic information about the virus for weeks, possibly delaying a vaccine. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has […]

中国欠我们所有关于新冠病毒出现时的真相 China Owes Us All the Truth About When Covid Emerged – Bloomberg

越来越多的证据表明,这种新病毒在2019年流传了几个月,但习近平主席的政府一直在干扰数据。 A growing body of evidence indicates that the new virus was circulating for months in 2019, but President Xi’s government keeps interfering with the data. — Read on www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-04-29/when-did-covid-begin-lab-leak-vs-wet-market-isn-t-the-only-mystery

我们找到了新冠肺炎的”动物起源”吗? Have we found the ‘animal origin’ of Covid? – BBC News

在2020年初,当新冠肺炎仍然是一种神秘疾病时,中国疾病控制中心(CDC)从市场采集了样本。这些样本中包含的遗传信息直到最近才被简短地公开,这使一组研究人员能够解码它们,并将浣熊狗作为可能的“中间宿主”,疾病从中蔓延到人身上。根据3月20日在线发布的一项分析,这项分析的关键是,正在出售的野生哺乳动物浣熊狗的DNA生活在肉类市场上,与SARS CoV-2检测呈阳性的拭子在同一个位置被发现。—阅读www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-65067264 During the early days of 2020, when Covid was still a mystery disease, the Chinese Centers for Disease Control (CDC) took samples from the market. The genetic information contained in those samples has only recently been made, briefly, public, and that enabled a team of researchers to decode them and point to racoon […]

China is in a ‘lot more trouble than anybody ever wants to imagine’ 中国的麻烦比任何人想像的都要多得多中国的麻烦比任何人想像的都要多得多

China is in a ‘lot more trouble than anybody ever wants to imagine’ https://flip.it/5VNCAL “Yes, they are aggressive, and they could actually stumble into something they don’t want to, but right now, I wouldn’t worry about them too much, but I think Xi’s looking over his shoulders,” Professor Siracusa told Sky News Australia. “是的,他们很有侵略性,他们实际上可能会陷入他们不想做的事情,但现在,我不会太担心他们,但我认为习近平正在注意他的肩膀,”锡拉库萨教授告诉天空新闻 澳大利亚。

The message in Justin Trudeau’s retort to Xi Jinping: Welcome to the free world 贾斯汀·特鲁多对习近平的回信中的信息:欢迎来到自由世界

https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/china-canada-clash-xi-trudeau-reminds-autocrats-free-world-rcna57752 正如习近平与特鲁多的录像发脾气所证明的那样,这些领导人最厌恶的是透明度。我们应该努力确保他们必须公开面对更多那些不方便的真相。 What these leaders most detest, as evidenced by Xi’s videotaped temper tantrum with Trudeau, is transparency. We should be working hard to ensure they have to publicly face more of those inconvenient truths.