What did Xi Jinping know about the coronavirus, and when did he know it? 习近平对新型冠状病毒了解多少,什么时候知道的?


中国冠状病毒暴发初期阶段仍然是一个重要且仍然鲜为人知的空白。 迅速、及早采取行动本来可以挽救生命,避免巨大的破坏。 相反,在疫情爆发的头几周,中国人民面临危险,尽管他们知道有些事情正在发生,但他们的官员没有发出警报。

THE EARLY phase of the coronavirus outbreak in China remains an important and still poorly understood lacuna. Prompt, early action could have saved lives and averted enormous disruption. Instead, the Chinese people were exposed to danger in the first weeks of the epidemic when their officials failed to sound the alarm, even though they knew something was afoot.

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