China: Free ‘White Paper’ Protesters | Human Rights Watch 人权观察今天表示,中国当局应立即释放并撤销对因参加反对政府的“白皮书”抗议活动而被拘留的人的所有指控。当局还应停止骚扰律师和抗议者的朋友,停止在社交媒体上审查与抗议相关的信息。

Chinese authorities should immediately release and drop all charges against everyone detained for participating in the “white paper” protests against the government, Human Rights Watch said today. The authorities should also cease harassment of lawyers and friends of protesters and the censorship of protest-related information on social media. — Read on 2022年11月,包括上海、北京、成都和武汉等城市在内的数千人走上街头,抗议政府的严格新冠肺炎措施,并谴责中国共产党的专制统治。示威者拿着空白文件——因此是“白皮书”抗议——并高呼“结束零新冠病毒”、“我们希望人权”和“打倒共产党!”等口号。 人权观察中国高级研究员Yaqiu Wang说:“中国年轻人正在为敢于为自由和人权大声疾呼而付出沉重的代价。”“世界各地的政府和国际机构应该表示支持,并呼吁中国当局立即释放它们。”

Zero COVID’s Failure Is Xi Jinping’s Failure – The Atlantic 零 COVID 的失败是 XI 的失败 现在中国的病例数无论发生什么变化,都是一个人做主。

ZERO COVID’S FAILURE IS XI’S FAILURE Whatever happens with case counts in China now, one person owns them. — Read on For three years, China’s leader, Xi Jinping, fought a remorseless battle against COVID-19. He called it a “people’s war”—a national struggle to defeat an unseen foe and save lives. The contest locked families in their […]

China protest   Human’s crave freedom. We must stand with the people of China. God bless — Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) November 27, 2022  

What China’s Covid Protesters Are Calling For – The New York Times

Protests against Covid restrictions have evolved into broader demands. Here’s what videos show about what demonstrators want — and the risks. — Read on

China Civilians protest many places in China over Xi jinping and communist party 中国民众在中国多地抗议习近平和共产党 The mass protests breaking out across China against the draconian lockdowns are both courageous and historic. The people have had enough. Authoritarianism never ends well. History has taught us that. The Chinese protestors are creating their own — James Melville (@JamesMelville) November 28, 2022

Guangzhou protest over brutal lockdown       CHINA – The people of Guangzhou refuse to enter Covid quarantine and tear down barriers. Now you know what those thousands of quarantine camps are for! To control their people not a mostly harmless virus. — Bernie's Tweets (@BernieSpofforth) November 14, 2022

China’s Xi faces threat from public anger over ‘zero COVID’ | AP News

在授予自己作为中国潜在终身领导人的新权力后不到一个月,习近平就面临着几十年来未曾见过的公众愤怒浪潮,这是由他即将进入第四个年头的“零 COVID”战略引发的。 周末,示威者涌入上海和北京等城市的街头,批评这项政策,与警方对峙——甚至呼吁习近平下台。 SHANGHAI (AP) — Barely a month after granting himself new powers as China’s potential leader for life, Xi Jinping is facing a wave of public anger of the kind not seen for decades, sparked by his “zero COVID” strategy that will soon enter its fourth year. — Read on 上周末,上海和北京等城市的示威者涌上街头,批评这一政策,对抗警察,甚至呼吁习近平下台。 周一,示威者聚集在香港这个半自治的南方城市,2019年开始的长达几个月的示威活动之后,民主运动几乎被严厉镇压所扼杀。 […]

In a rare show of weakness, China’s censors struggled to keep up with zero-COVID protests – The Globe and Mail

As growing frustration over COVID-19 restrictions and other issues spilled over into protests in more than a dozen Chinese cities this weekend, videos and photos of the unrest spread widely online as the country’s internet censors struggled to keep up – a rare show of weakness. — Read on 本周末,随着对 COVID-19 限制和其他问题的日益不满情绪蔓延到中国十几个城市的抗议活动中,动乱的视频和照片在网上广泛传播,因为该国的互联网审查员努力跟上——这是一种罕见的软弱表现。

China Covid Protests Are Muted as Police Deploy En Masse in Cities – Bloomberg

Protests Are Muted in China as Police Deploy En Masse in Cities Heavy police presence witnessed in Beijing and Shanghai Monday Hong Kong sees protest of dozens in central business district — Read on 警方在城市大规模部署,抗议活动在中国平息 周一,北京和上海出现大量警力 香港在中央商务区看到数十人抗议

Great Wall of porn obscures China protest news on Twitter | TechCrunch

Chinese-language location-based escort ads aren’t new on the social media platform, but the frequency at which they are obscuring searches of Chinese cities in the last few days is unusual, as the data analyst noted: — Read on 中文基于位置的伴游广告在社交媒体平台上并不新鲜,但正如数据分析师指出的那样,过去几天它们掩盖中国城市搜索的频率不同寻常:

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests | Flipboard

Chinese police make people delete photos from phones amid anti-lockdown protests — Read on 在反封锁抗议活动中,中国警方要求人们删除手机中的照片