在北京,一场医院火灾造成 29 人死亡,但居民被蒙在鼓里几个小时 A hospital fire killed 29 in Beijing, but residents were kept in the dark for hours

www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/construction-work-sparked-beijing-hospital-fire-that-killed-29-people-officials-say/ar-AA1a2HLi 周二,二十年来袭击中国首都的最致命的火灾在一家医院造成29人死亡,但大多数人直到几个小时后才听说这件事,即使如此,由于当局对细节的严格保密,细节也很渺茫。The deadliest fire to hit the Chinese capital in two decades killed 29 people in a hospital Tuesday, but most people didn’t hear about it until several hours later, and even then the details were slim as authorities kept a tight lid on details.

马云的退却削弱了中国对私营企业的信心 Jack Ma’s Retreat Undercuts China’s Pitch to Private Business


尽管各国领导人对私营部门表示”坚定不移的支持”,但该国最著名的企业家之一还是选择在海外呆上几个月 Even as leaders voiced “unwavering support” for the private sector, one of the country’s best-known entrepreneurs chose to spend months overseas. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-27/jack-ma-stays-abroad-as-china-seeks-trust-of-private-sector-businesses?srnd=premium-asia#xj4y7vzkg Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. and Ant Group Co. Ltd. co-founder Jack Ma may be one of Beijing’s best chances at repairing its reputation with the private sector in China and beyond. But so far, the […]

Christian who escaped Chinese persecution warns US descending into ‘communist style of governance’ 逃脱中国迫害的基督徒警告美国陷入“共产主义治理风格”

The similarities are very, very striking between the Chinese Communist way of persecution and the American leftist way of restriction and even discrimination,” Fu told Fox News Digital. Fu said he has observed with concern how the left in the U.S. is increasingly exhibiting “dictatorial” attitudes both culturally and politically by censoring speech, enforcing “woke” […]

The Washington Post: TikTok’s data security plan is ‘deeply flawed,’ whistleblower claims 一名前 TikTok 员工告诉国会,该应用程序在中国间谍活动中撒谎

https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/03/10/tiktok-data-whistleblower-congress-investigators/ TikTok 的一位前风险经理会见了国会调查人员,表达了他对该公司保护美国用户数据的计划存在严重缺陷的担忧,并指出在许多人考虑在全国范围内实施该应用程序的时刻,有证据可能会激起立法者对该应用程序的怀疑 禁止 A former risk manager at TikTok has met with congressional investigators to share his concerns that the company’s plan for protecting United States user data is deeply flawed, pointing to evidence that could inflame lawmakers’ suspicion of the app at a moment when many are considering a nationwide ban TikTok 可以收集大量用户数据,包括视频观看历史、电子邮件地址和联系人,不过 […]

New UN rights chief opens ‘communication’ with China | Human Rights News | Al Jazeera. 新任联合国人权事务负责人开启与中国的“沟通”
Volker Türk 的第一次演讲没有达到活动人士希望在联合国报告新疆暴行后采取更强硬立场的希望。新任联合国人权事务负责人开启与中国的“沟通”
Volker Türk 的第一次演讲没有达到活动人士希望在联合国报告新疆暴行后采取更强硬立场的希望。

https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/3/7/new-un-rights-chief-opens-communication-with The new United Nations human rights chief has said his office has opened “channels of communication” to help follow up on concerns about the rights of minorities in the western Xinjiang region of China, including Uighur Muslims and Tibetans. 新任联合国人权事务负责人表示,他的办公室已经开通了“沟通渠道”,以帮助跟进对中国西部新疆地区少数民族权利的担忧,包括维吾尔族穆斯林和藏族人。

危险历史重演:习近平政权不安全、不合法危险历史重演:习近平政权不安全、不合法 A dangerous history repeats: Xi Jinping’s regime is insecure and illegitimate

https://thehill.com/opinion/international/3877204-a-dangerous-history-repeats-xi-jinpings-regime-is-insecure-and-illegitimate/ Insecure leaders in control of illegitimate governments and parties make for a dangerous time in international politics. Nazi Germany was one; China under the leadership of Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is another. 控制非法政府和政党的缺乏安全感的领导人在国际政治中造成了危险的时刻。 纳粹德国就是其中之一; 习近平和中国共产党领导下的中国是另一个。

China is in a ‘lot more trouble than anybody ever wants to imagine’ 中国的麻烦比任何人想像的都要多得多中国的麻烦比任何人想像的都要多得多

China is in a ‘lot more trouble than anybody ever wants to imagine’ https://flip.it/5VNCAL “Yes, they are aggressive, and they could actually stumble into something they don’t want to, but right now, I wouldn’t worry about them too much, but I think Xi’s looking over his shoulders,” Professor Siracusa told Sky News Australia. “是的,他们很有侵略性,他们实际上可能会陷入他们不想做的事情,但现在,我不会太担心他们,但我认为习近平正在注意他的肩膀,”锡拉库萨教授告诉天空新闻 澳大利亚。

Damus pulled from Apple’s App Store in China after two days | TechCrunch Damus在两天后退出了苹果在中国的App Store

The app, which runs atop the Jack Dorsey-backed decentralized social networking protocol Nostr, was removed from the China App Store per request by the country’s top internet watchdog because it “includes content that is illegal in China,” according to an app review notice Damus received and shared on Twitter. — Read on techcrunch.com/2023/02/02/damus-pulled-from-apples-app-store-in-china-after-two-days/ 根据Damus在推特上收到和分享的应用程序评论通知,该应用程序运行在Jack Dorsey支持的分散式社交网络协议Nostr之上,根据中国顶级互联网监管机构的请求,该应用程序被从中国App […]

The message in Justin Trudeau’s retort to Xi Jinping: Welcome to the free world 贾斯汀·特鲁多对习近平的回信中的信息:欢迎来到自由世界

https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/china-canada-clash-xi-trudeau-reminds-autocrats-free-world-rcna57752 正如习近平与特鲁多的录像发脾气所证明的那样,这些领导人最厌恶的是透明度。我们应该努力确保他们必须公开面对更多那些不方便的真相。 What these leaders most detest, as evidenced by Xi’s videotaped temper tantrum with Trudeau, is transparency. We should be working hard to ensure they have to publicly face more of those inconvenient truths.