2024. 08 反习反共抗议 Anti Xi JINPING Anti CCP Protest in China AUG, 2024

” Hello! I am a dissident from Hunan Province, China. I have been subjected to political persecution by the Ministry of Public Security of China. I face surveillance, intimidation and harassment from government officials every day. At the end of the White Paper Revolution, I participated in the poster-posting activity out of dissatisfaction with the […]

中国今天非常平静、和平和安全,2024年08月也是如此 China is very calm and peaceful and safe today at 2024. 08 also

The Chinese people must be so happy. They live in such a safe country. 中国人民一定很幸福。因为我生活在一个如此安全的国家…… 共产党向人民灌输他们的国家是安全的。有趣的是,这个方法对于中国人来说非常有用。 这是一个由70年的独裁、控制和洗脑创造的有趣的体系。The Communist Party indoctrinates its people into believing that their country is safe. Interestingly enough, this method works quite well for the Chinese people. It is an interesting system created by 70 years of dictatorship, control, and brainwashing. CCP […]

中国是安全的国家 !不管你信不信 China is the safe country6.! whether you believe or not

The Chinese people must be so happy. They live in such a safe country. 中国人民一定很幸福。因为我生活在一个如此安全的国家…… A tragedy caused by a Communist Party official’s drunk driving. Naturally, this incident was deleted from all social media and quietly buried. 一名共产党官员酒后驾车酿成的悲剧。自然,这件事被所有社交媒体删除并被悄悄埋葬。 中国修路工作的真相。它的崩溃似乎是很自然的事。The truth about China’s road construction. It seems so obvious that it’s collapsing.

中国人戴着爱国的面具,否认真相,害怕,被驯服服从谎言 Chinese people wear patriotic masks, deny the truth, are afraid, and are tamed to obey lies

在中国,说真话是被禁止的,然后进监狱。 只能说中共想要什么。 张展出狱了 张展因报道在中国刑4年后获释 这种现象尤其在中国的年轻人中发生得更严重,四年前这个人报道新冠疫情发生和现在的进行情况时,中国的年轻人在网上集体把她拍成是被谎言和序数贿赃的假记者,越骂越是被当作真正的中国爱国青年的喜剧。 这种现象现在越来越严重,中国共产党的洗脑教育和煽动、媒体控制确实有效果。 也许中国共产党会更加努力进行中国人的洗脑教育,中国的青年们以后也更不能分辨被狂热的煽动和爱国心。 在他们后面能看到带着满足的黑色微笑的共产党的脸。 In China, telling truth has forbidden and go to jail. Only can say what CCP want. Zhang Zhan is freed from prison in China after 4 years for reporting on Covid-19 This phenomenon is especially severe in young people in China. Four years ago, when this veteran […]