Detained Chinese ‘spy’ says espionage work to Philippines began in 2016 被拘留的中国“间谍”表示,菲律宾的间谍工作始于2016年 |

Chinese spy She Zhijiang, currently detained in Thailand and fighting repatriation to China, claimed in an Al Jazeera documentary that he began his spy work in the Philippines in 2016 while evading Chinese authorities who had ordered his arrest for illegal gambling. 中国间谍She Zhijiang目前被拘留在泰国,正在与遣返中国作斗争,他在半岛电视台的一部纪录片中声称,他于2016年开始在菲律宾从事间谍工作,同时躲避因非法赌博而下令逮捕他的中国当局。 — Read on

哈哈哈 那些中国人承认自己的罪过。 抖音 HA HA HA This Chinese knows their sin exactly what they did. tiktok

哈哈哈那些中国人承认自己的罪过. 在他们的公告上,将一些单词从“美国”更改为“中国”,从“tiktok”更改为 google, youtube, facebook, twitter, instagram ,telegram, kakao, line, yahoo, naver……”,然后就是这样 与中国完美真实对话 On their announcement , change some words from “usa” to “china”, from “tiktok” to “google,youtube,facebook,twitter,instagram,telegram,kakao,line,yahoo,naver……” , then That’s the perfect true talking to China 这种无法在公平竞争中获胜的霸凌行为,扰乱了企业正常经营活动,损害了国际投资者对投资环境的信心,破坏了正常的国际经济贸易秩序。” “最终,这将不可避免地反过来伤害美国本身,”王继续说道。 “This kind of bullying behaviour that cannot win in fair competition disrupts companies’ normal business activity, […]

中国传统技术是盗窃 Leaked Files Show the Secret World of China’s Hackers for Hire. China steal everything from the World even at this moment. This is Chinese ethnics 泄露的文件展示了中国雇佣黑客的秘密世界。 即使在此时此刻,中国也从世界上窃取了一切。 这就是中华民族.小偷建立的国家

中国传统技术是盗窃 Surprisingly, Surveillance and Stealing from the World are done by China Government with Chinese nationals together. 令人惊讶的是,世界各地的监视和盗窃是中国政府与中国公民一起进行的。小偷建立的国家. 中国是一个专门从事盗窃的国家。China is a country that specializes in theft. The hacking tools are used by Chinese state agents to unmask users of social media platforms outside China such as X, formerly known as Twitter, break into […]

中国的监控国家依赖于人,而不是相机 China’s Surveillance State Depends on People, Not Cameras – Bloomberg

Technology has supercharged the country’s surveillance capabilities. But its spying prowess depends on more old-fashioned tools. 技术增强了该国的监控能力。但它的间谍能力取决于更多的老式工具。 — Read on 中国在互相监视。这是中国的传统民族文化。 Chine’s spying on each other. This is China’s traditional ethnic culture. 华为、微信、斗英是中国中共最受欢迎的间谍工具公司。 Huawei, WeChat , douying is the popular spying tool companies for china’s CCP.

中国间谍欧洲的失败企图内部 Inside China’s failed attempt to spy on Europe | Cryptopolitan

在一场值得间谍惊悚片的情节转折中,中国动摇欧洲政治的秘密行动刚刚撞上了墙。 故事以中国间谍的尝试展开 In a plot twist worthy of a spy thriller, China’s covert operation to sway European politics just hit a wall. The story unfolds with Chinese spies attempting — Read on 中国在欧洲的间谍企图因利用比利时政治家影响政治讨论而动摇。 中国间谍Daniel Woo旨在操纵欧洲关于香港和维吾尔人等敏感问题的话语。 尽管做出了努力,但行动收效甚微,凸显了国际间谍活动的复杂性和风险。 China’s espionage attempt in Europe faltered with their use of a Belgian politician to influence political discussions. Daniel […]

TP LINK ROUTER 哦,看,你在不知不觉中为中国国家资助的网络战做出了贡献 Oh look, you’re unwittingly contributing to Chinese state-sponsored cyber-warfare | Laptop Mag

其结果神奇地将您值得信赖的个人无线路由器变成一个功能齐全的代理,供ner-do-wells随心所欲地使用和滥用。那么,谁是注入这种恶意代码的幕后黑手呢?据Check Point Research的安全侦探称,这场特别活动可以追溯到他们称之为“Camaro Dragon”的中国国家赞助的团体。事实证明,这是高级持续威胁(APT),而不是某种盗版宝可梦。—阅读 The result of which magically transforms your trusty personal wireless router into a fully functioning proxy for ner-do-wells to use and abuse as they please. So just who is behind the injection of this malicious code? According to the security sleuths at Check Point Research, this particular campaign can be traced […]

没有一家中国公司可以摆脱中共。 Hikvision内部审查发现合同针对维吾尔人 No China company that can free from CCP. Hikvision internal review found contracts targeted Uyghurs CHINA’S GENOCIDE ON XINJIANG.BY HIKVISION, HUAWEI, ZHONGXING, TIKTOK, WEIBO, DJI 中国在新疆的种族灭绝。HIKVISION、华为、中兴、TIKTOK、微博、DJI 中国监控巨头喜视网一再否认有关该公司参与在中国西北部新疆维吾尔族侵犯人权的报道。 但该公司与该地区警察机构进行内部审查后发现,该公司至少从2020年起就知道,新疆的一些合同是个”问题”,因为这些合同包括针对整个维吾尔人的语言, 根据最近由技术贸易出版物IPVM获得并与Axios独家共享的私人公司会议记录。重要原因: 中国政府正在新疆西北部地区进行一场种族灭绝和大规模拘留维吾尔族和其他少数民族的运动。 据报告,采购文件显示,新疆各地的公共场所和群众拘留设施都安装了Hikvision摄像机,Hikvision摄像机捕捉到了导致维吾尔人被拘留的画面。Hikvision还广告称,该公司提供生物监控技术,可以追踪包括维吾尔族在内的少数民族,尽管该公司在2020年宣布其产品不再提供这种功能。人权组织和美国和其他国家政府指责希克维思参与在新疆侵犯人权的行为,希克维思拒绝了这一指控。 Chinese surveillance giant Hikvision has repeatedly denied reports that the company is complicit in human rights abuses targeting Uyghurs in China’s northwestern region of Xinjiang. Why it matters: The Chinese government is perpetrating an ongoing campaign of genocide and mass detention of Uyghurs and other ethnic […]

内政部长表示,德国禁止中国产品在其 5G 网络中检查中国组件 Germany examining Chinese components in its 5G network, interior minister says US to Ban Chinese Surveillance Giant Hikvision over Human Rights Abuses Two Chinese businesses were sanctioned Friday by the United States after allegedly supplying precursor chemicals used to produce fentanyl to drug cartels in Mexico. 周五,两家中国企业因涉嫌向墨西哥贩毒集团供应用于生产芬太尼的前体化学品而受到美国制裁。 宣布这一消息的同一天,司法部指控 28 名锡那罗亚州卡特尔成员参与一项规模庞大的芬太尼走私调查。 起诉书还指控四名中国公民和一名危地马拉公民提供了这些化学品。 根据其发布的消息,同样的五人也受到了财政部的制裁。 The announcement comes on the same day the Justice Department charged 28 […]

美制裁中国企业涉嫌镇压维吾尔人商务部说,北京针对少数民族穆斯林的”镇压运动”牵涉到公司。US sanctions Chinese firms over alleged repression of Uighurs Commerce Department says companies are implicated in Beijing’s ‘campaign of repression’ against ethnic minority Muslims. 根据杭州公司2021年半年报告,其中四家公司——罗浦海狮鼎鑫电子科技有限公司、莫宇海狮电子科技有限公司、皮山海狮永安电子科技有限公司和乌鲁木齐海狮新安电子科技有限公司——隶属于中国监控摄像机制造商海视。 Four of the companies – Luopu Haishi Dingxin Electronic Technology Co, Moyu Haishi Electronic Technology Co, Pishan Haishi Yong’an Electronic Technology Co and Urumqi Haishi Xin’an Electronic Technology Co – belong to the Chinese surveillance camera manufacturer Hikvision, according to Hangzhou-based firm’s 2021 half-year report.

中国应用程序抖音因在英国非法处理儿童数据而罚款1270万英镑|抖音| China app TikTok fined £12.7m for illegally processing children’s data in UK| TikTok | The Guardian

Information commissioner says app had done ‘very little, if anything’ to check for underage users — Read on 信息专员表示,中国拥有的视频应用程序在检查谁在使用该平台和删除未成年用户方面做得很少,尽管该公司内部警告藐视自己的条款和条件 The information commissioner said the China-owned video app had done “very little, if anything” to check who was using the platform and remove underage users, despite internal warnings the firm was flouting its own terms […]

向美国媒体提供现金,因涉嫌监视记者而接受调查 TikTok showers US media outlets with cash while under investigation for spying on reporters

更有甚者,据报道TikTok在本周向华盛顿支付了一大批影响力人士,要求他们在三天之内访问华盛顿特区,向立法者求爱,希望能避免禁令的通过。 TikTok的发言人Jamal Brown(h/t Politico)说:”华盛顿的立法者应该从那些生活将直接受其决定影响的人那里听到第一手消息。” “我们期待着欢迎我们的创造者来到我们国家的首都,帮助他们发出自己的声音,并继续为他们的生活和社区带来有意义的影响。” 近几个月来,包括美国联邦和州政府在内的各国政府越来越警惕TikTok,主要是担心推出TikTok应用的中国公司ByteDance所引发的国家安全相关担忧。 与此同时,《福布斯》的一项调查首次报道了TiKTOK母公司内正在寻找泄漏源的员工对记者的监控。 What’s more, TikTok is reportedly paying an army of influencers to descend on Washington DC over three days this week, courting lawmakers in the hopes of staving off a ban. “Lawmakers in Washington debating TikTok should hear firsthand from people whose lives would be directly affected by their […]

英国政府禁止使用TikTok手机 UK bans TikTok from government mobile phones Britain is to ban the Chinese-owned video-sharing app TikTok from ministers’ and civil servants’ mobile phones, bringing the UK in line with the US and the European Commission and reflecting deteriorating relations with Beijing. The decision marks a sharp U-turn from the UK’s previous position and came a few hours after TikTok said its owner, ByteDance, […]

The Washington Post: TikTok’s data security plan is ‘deeply flawed,’ whistleblower claims 一名前 TikTok 员工告诉国会,该应用程序在中国间谍活动中撒谎 TikTok 的一位前风险经理会见了国会调查人员,表达了他对该公司保护美国用户数据的计划存在严重缺陷的担忧,并指出在许多人考虑在全国范围内实施该应用程序的时刻,有证据可能会激起立法者对该应用程序的怀疑 禁止 A former risk manager at TikTok has met with congressional investigators to share his concerns that the company’s plan for protecting United States user data is deeply flawed, pointing to evidence that could inflame lawmakers’ suspicion of the app at a moment when many are considering a nationwide ban TikTok 可以收集大量用户数据,包括视频观看历史、电子邮件地址和联系人,不过 […]