中国传统技术是盗窃 Leaked Files Show the Secret World of China’s Hackers for Hire. China steal everything from the World even at this moment. This is Chinese ethnics 泄露的文件展示了中国雇佣黑客的秘密世界。 即使在此时此刻,中国也从世界上窃取了一切。 这就是中华民族.小偷建立的国家

The hacking tools are used by Chinese state agents to unmask users of social media platforms outside China such as X, formerly known as Twitter, break into email and hide the online activity of overseas agents. Also described are devices disguised as power strips and batteries that can be used to compromise Wi-Fi networks.

I-Soon and Chinese police are investigating how the files were leaked, the two I-Soon employees told The Associated Press. One of the employees said I-Soon held a meeting Wednesday about the leak and were told it wouldn’t affect business too much and to “continue working as normal.” The AP is not naming the employees — who did provide their surnames, per common Chinese practice — out of concern about possible retribution.

中国国家特工使用这些黑客工具来揭露中国境外社交媒体平台(例如X,以前称为Twitter)的用户,侵入电子邮件并隐藏海外特工的在线活动。 还描述了伪装成电源板和电池的设备,可用于破坏 Wi-Fi 网络。

两名 I-Soon 员工告诉美联社,I-Soon 和中国警方正在调查这些文件是如何泄露的。 一名员工表示,I-Soon 周三就此次泄密事件召开了一次会议,并被告知这不会对业务造成太大影响,并“继续正常工作”。 出于对可能遭到报复的担忧,美联社没有透露这些员工的名字——按照中国的惯例,他们确实提供了自己的姓氏。

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