中国传统技术是盗窃 Leaked Files Show the Secret World of China’s Hackers for Hire. China steal everything from the World even at this moment. This is Chinese ethnics 泄露的文件展示了中国雇佣黑客的秘密世界。 即使在此时此刻,中国也从世界上窃取了一切。 这就是中华民族.小偷建立的国家

中国传统技术是盗窃 Surprisingly, Surveillance and Stealing from the World are done by China Government with Chinese nationals together. 令人惊讶的是,世界各地的监视和盗窃是中国政府与中国公民一起进行的。小偷建立的国家. 中国是一个专门从事盗窃的国家。China is a country that specializes in theft. The hacking tools are used by Chinese state agents to unmask users of social media platforms outside China such as X, formerly known as Twitter, break into […]

内政部长表示,德国禁止中国产品在其 5G 网络中检查中国组件 Germany examining Chinese components in its 5G network, interior minister says US to Ban Chinese Surveillance Giant Hikvision over Human Rights Abuses Two Chinese businesses were sanctioned Friday by the United States after allegedly supplying precursor chemicals used to produce fentanyl to drug cartels in Mexico. 周五,两家中国企业因涉嫌向墨西哥贩毒集团供应用于生产芬太尼的前体化学品而受到美国制裁。 宣布这一消息的同一天,司法部指控 28 名锡那罗亚州卡特尔成员参与一项规模庞大的芬太尼走私调查。 起诉书还指控四名中国公民和一名危地马拉公民提供了这些化学品。 根据其发布的消息,同样的五人也受到了财政部的制裁。 The announcement comes on the same day the Justice Department charged 28 […]