苹果从中国转移生产的计划大幅增加 Major ramp-up in Apple’s plans to shift production from China

我们今天了解到,将苹果设备的更多生产从中国转移到印度的计划正在大幅加快。 在不到一年的时间里,富士康计划对一家印度工厂的投资增加了近400%。 We’re today learning of a major acceleration in plans to shift more production of Apple devices from China to India. In less than one year, Foxconn has increased its planned investment in an Indian plant by almost 400%. — Read on 9to5mac.com/2023/12/13/shift-production-from-china/

Dutch seek to bar Chinese students from tech courses in chip war 荷兰试图禁止中国学生参加芯片战争的技术课程

https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/dutch-seek-to-bar-chinese-students-from-tech-courses-in-chip-war The intelligence agency said many Dutch companies and institutions find it difficult to make a proper risk assessment of economic and scientific cooperation with China. “The country often conceals that the Chinese government or the Chinese army may be involved in such cooperation in the background,” said the report. “The disadvantages of cooperation often […]

中国的C919飞机充满了来自美国、欧洲的外国技术 China’s C919 airplane is full of foreign tech from US, Europe

中国的C919飞机从美国和欧洲公司采购了发动机、制动器、车轮、轮胎和飞行控制系统 China’s C919 aircraft has sourced its engines, brakes, wheels, tires, and flight control systems from US and European companies — Read on qz.com/chinas-c919-plane-full-of-foreign-tech-from-us-europe-1850484252 国家支持的媒体《环球时报》称赞C919的首次商业飞行是“中国在高端制造业自我创新实力的重要证明”。 但是是吗?事实上,对C919功能至关重要的核心组件和系统严重依赖外国技术。例如,C919的发动机来自CFM International,这是美国GE Aerospace和法国Safran Aircraft Engines的合资企业。 与此同时,C919的轮胎来自法国轮胎巨头米其林。轮胎压力监测系统由th提供 Global Times, a state-backed outlet hailed the C919’sinaugural commercial flight as “important proof of China’s strength in self-innovation in the high-end manufacturing industry.” But is it? In […]

China reportedly stole US military technology for its J-20 fighter 据报道,中国为其J-20战斗机窃取了美国军事技术

China ripped off United States military technology to build an advanced high-tech jet fighter, and experts warn that more must be done to protect American weapons information to keep Beijing from making such huge development leaps in the future, according to a report on Thursday. — Read on nypost.com/2023/03/09/china-reportedly-stole-us-military-technology-for-its-j-20-fighter/ https://nypost.com/2023/03/09/china-reportedly-stole-us-military-technology-for-its-j-20-fighter/

Financial Times: ASML chief warns of IP theft risks amid chip sanctions ASML 首席执行官警告芯片制裁中的知识产权盗窃风险ASML 首席执行官警告芯片制裁中的知识产权盗窃风险

https://www.ft.com/content/dfef74a7-bcc0-441b-95a5-380e212d9854 The head of ASML, the chip toolmaker that is Europe’s biggest tech company, said he was guarding against intellectual property theft more fiercely than “ever before”, as a geopolitical tussle forces China to bolster its homegrown semiconductor industry. 作为欧洲最大科技公司的芯片工具制造商 ASML 的负责人表示,他比“以往任何时候”都更加严厉地防范知识产权盗窃,因为地缘政治斗争迫使中国加强其本土半导体产业。

Reuters: Dutch to restrict semiconductor tech exports to China, joining US effort 荷兰限制向中国出口半导体技术,加入美国的努力荷兰限制向中国出口半导体技术,加入美国的努力

https://www.reuters.com/technology/dutch-responds-us-china-policy-with-plan-curb-semiconductor-tech-exports-2023-03-08/ The Netherlands’ government on Wednesday said it plans new restrictions on exports of semiconductor technology to protect national security, joining the U.S. effort to curb chip exports to China. 荷兰政府周三表示,计划对半导体技术出口实施新的限制以保护国家安全,加入美国遏制对华芯片出口的行列。

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset | Opinions | Al Jazeera. 科技巨头离开中国的枢纽可以带来人权重置 对于像苹果这样的公司来说,与中国脱钩可能是改善其人权记录的机会。

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset For companies like Apple, decoupling from China can be an opportunity to improve their human rights record. — Read on www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/1/10/a-pivot-out-of-china-can-be-a-human-rights-reset-for-tech-giants 他们应该抵制政府任意限制言论自由的命令,并在供应链中实施劳动保护。 他们应该完全透明地了解如何与政府谈判市场准入和许可协议,并公开此类文件,以授权独立监督。 公司应该制定强有力的政策,说明在面临政府压力时如何履行其人权责任,并与民间社会进行公开磋商,以制定明确的基准和红线。 公司必须致力于独立的人权影响评估,这些评估应随着条件的变化进行修订,并公开提供。 这些公司的股东团体还应该向公司领导层强调遵守其人权责任的重要性。

FBI director: TikTok could be China’s best espionage tool | TechSpot

TikTok is a formidable tool for espionage and mass control, and the Chinese communist dictatorship could do whatever they want with it. These, in brief, are the concerns expressed by FBI director Christopher Wray while attending an event at the University of Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. — Read on www.techspot.com/news/96859-fbi-director-tiktok-could-china-best-espionage-tool.html TikTok […]

US FCC bans sales, import of Chinese tech from Huawei, ZTE | AP News 美国联邦通信委员会禁止从华为、中兴通讯销售和进口中国科技

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is banning the sale of communications equipment made by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE and restricting the use of some China-made video surveillance systems, citing an “unacceptable risk” to national security. — Read on apnews.com/article/biden-technology-donald-trump-national-security-federal-communications-commission-6904d9fc598321fadc8bccb430efd800