Chinese spies charged in Huawei obstruction case after sending Bitcoin bribes 中国间谍在华为受贿案中被指控

In a press conference on Monday, the U.S. Department of Justice detailed(Opens in a new tab) newly-unsealed charges against two alleged spies(Opens in a new tab) from China. According to the DOJ brief, Chinese intelligence officers Guochun He and Zheng Wang had attempted to obstruct an ongoing criminal investigation of a “global telecommunications company” based in China through bribery and espionage. 

While the DOJ said outright that it would not name the company in question, CNN(Opens in a new tab) as well as other news outlets(Opens in a new tab) have confirmed the entity is the China-based Huawei. The telecommunications company has long been accused of providing backdoors in their mobile devices in order to facilitate China’s ability to spy on governments, business competitors, and other users throughout the world. The U.S. has previously restricted Huawei’s ability to conduct business in the U.S. due to these security concerns.

在周一的一次新闻发布会上,美国司法部详细列出了对两名来自中国的间谍(新间谍)的新封条指控。 根据日本司法部的简报,中国情报官员何国春和郑旺试图通过贿赂和间谍活动阻碍对总部设在中国的一家”全球电信公司”进行的刑事调查。

尽管日本司法部直言不讳地表示不会说出这家公司的名字,但CNN和其他新闻机构已经证实这家实体是总部设在中国的华为。 长期以来,这家电信公司一直被指控在其移动设备中提供后门,以便于中国能够监视世界各地的政府、商业竞争对手和其他用户。 此前,美国以这种安全问题为由,限制了华为在美国开展业务的能力。

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