真希望中国人是人,不是动物。Tibetans in exile accuse China of destroying their identity in Tibet 流亡藏人指责中国破坏他们在西藏的身份

China’s brutal crackdown on Tibet is being increased by indoctrinated Chinese, and the world is appalled 中国对西藏的残忍镇压因被洗脑的中国人而进一步增加, 全世界都惊愕不已. 真希望中国人是人,不是动物。 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/tibet-china-government-exile-human-rights-dalai-lama-rcna128912 习近平主席领导下的中国独裁政府(他于2022年开始了前所未有的第三任期)和中国共产党系统地压制基本权利。 当局任意拘留人权捍卫者,加强对民间社会,媒体和互联网的控制,并部署了侵入性的大规模监控技术。 政府在新疆和西藏实行特别严厉的控制。 China’s authoritarian government under President Xi Jinping—who began an unprecedented third term in 2022—and the Chinese Communist Party systemically represses fundamental rights. Authorities have arbitrarily detained human rights defenders, tightened control over […]

当北京试图让世界相信新疆地区已经向前迈进时,其维吾尔族居民仍在遭受苦难。As Beijing tries to convince the world that the Xinjiang region has moved on, its Uighur residents continue to suffer. 中国是二战期间纳粹和日本帝国的好学生 China is a good student of Nazi and Imperial Japan during WW2

Read more here A report OHCHR released last year concluded that since 2017, the Chinese government had committed grave rights violations against millions of Uighurs and other Turkic people in Xinjiang, abuses so systematic and widespread that they “may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity”. 人权高专办去年发布的一份报告得出的结论是,自2017年以来,中国政府对新疆数百万维吾尔族和其他突厥族人实施了严重侵犯人权的行为,其侵权行为如此系统和广泛,以至于“可能构成国际罪行,特别是反人类罪”。

不文明的中国人 China is big on internet censorship unless it’s racist content, Human Rights Watch says 人权观察称,中国对互联网审查力度很大,除非是种族主义内容

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-08-18/china-big-on-censorship-unless-racist-content-beijing-hrw/102737360 Censors turn a blind eye to racist content China’s censors are methodical about keeping the country’s closed internet free from information that the ruling Communist Party does not want its citizens seeing. But when it comes to removing racist content — specifically targeting black people — its Great Firewall and armies of content moderators are […]

中华民族的民族性 ethnicity. Social media networks in China are ignoring rampant racism against Black people 中国的社交媒体网络忽视了针对黑人猖獗的种族主义

https://news.yahoo.com/human-rights-watch-social-media-172535532.html After reviewing hundreds of 2021 videos and posts, the human rights research and advocacy group found content that often portrayed Black people through “offensive racial stereotypes.” Social media platforms in China have come under fire by Human Rights Watch for allegedly disregarding widespread racism against Black people while generating profit. According to Aljazeera, after reviewing hundreds of […]

Former Kindergarten Teacher Who Poisoned Kids’ Porridge Executed 毒害儿童粥的前幼儿园老师被处决了

她的袭击是近年来中国几起涉及暴力侵害幼儿园儿童的显著案件之一。周一,一名25岁的男子在该国南部的一所幼儿园被六人刺死后被捕。 Her attack is one of several notable cases in China in recent years involving violence toward kindergarten children. A 25-year-old man was arrested on Monday after six people were stabbed to death at a kindergarten in the south of the country. — Read on www.thedailybeast.com/former-kindergarten-teacher-who-poisoned-kids-porridge-executed-in-china

中国政府在受到批评后删除了棕色脸视频帖子 Chinese ministry deletes brownface video post after criticism – BBC News

chinese uncivilization 不文明的中国人, all bad behaviors are funny things to Chinese people 对中国人来说,所有不良行为都是有趣的事情 The video, to promote road safety, featured Chinese people in brownface singing an Indian song. 为了促进道路安全,这段视频以棕色脸唱着印度歌曲为特色。 — Read on www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-65541628 2018年,在一名中国女演员黑脸和夸张的臀部出现后,中国最大的农历新年电视节目的短剧引发了广泛的批评。 去年,一名外交部官员表示,中国对种族主义零容忍,并将打击种族歧视视频,此前英国广播公司的一项调查揭露了一名中国电影制片人,他利用马拉维儿童拍摄个性化问候语——其中一些包括种族主义内容。 In 2018, a skit on China’s biggest Lunar New Year TV show sparked widespread criticism after a Chinese actress appeared in blackface […]

深圳圣教改革教会的成员说,他们在中国面临难以忍受的骚扰,在美国寻求庇护。Members of Shenzhen Holy Reformed Church say they faced unbearable harassment in China and sought asylum in the United States.


https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/4/5/thai-officials-say-chinese-church-members-to-be-deported-soon 据泰国官员透露,在获得联合国难民地位后被拘留在泰国的60多名中国基督教徒将于下周被驱逐出境,很可能被驱逐到第三国。 美国国际宗教自由委员会在去年的年度报告中说,中国共产党要求宗教团体支持其统治和政治目标,包括改变其宗教教义,使其符合党的思想和政策。 该委员会说:”注册宗教团体和未注册宗教团体以及与中共发生冲突的个人都面临骚扰、拘留、逮捕、监禁和其他虐待。” In its annual report last year, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom said the Chinese Communist Party requires religious groups to support its rule and political objectives, including by altering their religious teachings to conform with the party’s ideology and policy. “Both registered and unregistered religious groups and individuals […]

U.S. crackdown on Chinese forced labor hits solar industry 镇压旨在惩罚中国在新疆全省治疗维吾尔人和其他少数民族的行为,并相应地削弱了美国太阳能市场并冻结了其供应链。

Intended to punish China for its treatment of Uyghurs and other minorities across Xinjiang province, the crackdown has had the corresponding effect of crippling the U.S. solar market and freezing its supply chain. — Read on www.axios.com/2023/01/13/us-china-forced-labor-imports-solar-industry 自去年6月针对中国制造商的强迫劳动法生效以来,美国海关和边境巡逻官员已经扣押了价值约13亿美元的进口商品, Captured from article Captured from article

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset | Opinions | Al Jazeera. 科技巨头离开中国的枢纽可以带来人权重置 对于像苹果这样的公司来说,与中国脱钩可能是改善其人权记录的机会。

Tech giants’ pivot out of China can usher in a human rights reset For companies like Apple, decoupling from China can be an opportunity to improve their human rights record. — Read on www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/1/10/a-pivot-out-of-china-can-be-a-human-rights-reset-for-tech-giants 他们应该抵制政府任意限制言论自由的命令,并在供应链中实施劳动保护。 他们应该完全透明地了解如何与政府谈判市场准入和许可协议,并公开此类文件,以授权独立监督。 公司应该制定强有力的政策,说明在面临政府压力时如何履行其人权责任,并与民间社会进行公开磋商,以制定明确的基准和红线。 公司必须致力于独立的人权影响评估,这些评估应随着条件的变化进行修订,并公开提供。 这些公司的股东团体还应该向公司领导层强调遵守其人权责任的重要性。