当北京试图让世界相信新疆地区已经向前迈进时,其维吾尔族居民仍在遭受苦难。As Beijing tries to convince the world that the Xinjiang region has moved on, its Uighur residents continue to suffer. 中国是二战期间纳粹和日本帝国的好学生 China is a good student of Nazi and Imperial Japan during WW2

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report OHCHR released last year concluded that since 2017, the Chinese government had committed grave rights violations against millions of Uighurs and other Turkic people in Xinjiang, abuses so systematic and widespread that they “may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity”. 人权高专办去年发布的一份报告得出的结论是,自2017年以来,中国政府对新疆数百万维吾尔族和其他突厥族人实施了严重侵犯人权的行为,其侵权行为如此系统和广泛,以至于“可能构成国际罪行,特别是反人类罪”。

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