在外国部门会见香港媒体大亨吉米·赖的儿子后,中国抨击了英国的“恶意意图” China blasts UK’s ‘malicious intentions’ after foreign sec. meets son of Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai – Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

75岁的英国公民、现已关闭的小报《苹果日报》的创始人Lai自2020年以来一直在香港坐牢,等待根据有争议的国家安全法涉嫌“与外国势力勾结”的审判。 Lai, a 75-year-old British citizen and founder of the now-shuttered tabloid Apple Daily, has been behind bars in Hong Kong since 2020, awaiting trial for alleged “collusion with foreign forces” under a controversial national security law. — Read on hongkongfp.com/2023/12/13/china-blasts-uks-malicious-intentions-after-foreign-sec-meets-son-of-hong-kong-media-mogul-jimmy-lai/

当北京试图让世界相信新疆地区已经向前迈进时,其维吾尔族居民仍在遭受苦难。As Beijing tries to convince the world that the Xinjiang region has moved on, its Uighur residents continue to suffer. 中国是二战期间纳粹和日本帝国的好学生 China is a good student of Nazi and Imperial Japan during WW2

Read more here A report OHCHR released last year concluded that since 2017, the Chinese government had committed grave rights violations against millions of Uighurs and other Turkic people in Xinjiang, abuses so systematic and widespread that they “may constitute international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity”. 人权高专办去年发布的一份报告得出的结论是,自2017年以来,中国政府对新疆数百万维吾尔族和其他突厥族人实施了严重侵犯人权的行为,其侵权行为如此系统和广泛,以至于“可能构成国际罪行,特别是反人类罪”。

中国用塑料瓶向西藏人出售西藏水是骗局 China selling water from Tibet in plastic bottles to Tibetans is scam: Report – ThePrint –

中国正在窃取西藏的地下水,并将其卖回给西藏人,西藏人之前是免费获得的。在其中一则广告中,人们看到一名年轻的西藏游牧妇女在宣传一种中国品牌的瓶装水,该瓶装水实际上来自西藏。 China is stealing Tibet’s groundwater and selling it back to Tibetans, who previously got it for free. In one of the ads, a young Tibetan nomad woman was seen promoting a Chinese brand of bottled water that is actually sourced from Tibet. — Read on theprint.in/world/china-selling-water-from-tibet-in-plastic-bottles-to-tibetans-is-scam-report/1610598/ Very Chinese like behavior , 非常中国人喜欢的行为 中华民族的行动。This is […]

云南抗议:清真寺关闭与安全部队发生冲突 Yunnan protest: Mosque closure sees clashes with security forces – BBC News

周六,社交媒体视频显示,纳古镇13世纪的纳家英清真寺外有人群。警察和当地人之间爆发了混战,他们被数百名武装警察所控制。云南是中国南方一个种族多样化的省份,拥有大量穆斯林人口。中国正式成为无神论者,政府表示允许宗教自由。但观察人士表示,近年来,对有组织宗教的镇压有所增加——北京正在寻求更大的控制。Social media videos showed crowds outside the 13th-century Najiaying Mosque in Nagu town on Saturday.Scuffles broke out between police and locals, who were hemmed in by hundreds of armed officers.Yunnan, an ethnically-diverse province in southern China, has a significant Muslim population.China is officially atheist and the government says it allows religious freedom. But observers say […]

中国试图阻止联合国的著名维吾尔演讲者 China tries to block prominent Uighur speaker at UN | The Straits Times

China demands floor to query whether World Uighur Congress president is qualified to speak. Read more at straitstimes.com. — Read on www.straitstimes.com/world/united-states/china-tries-to-block-prominent-uighur-speaker-at-un 中国周四试图阻止一名著名的维吾尔族活动家在联合国人权理事会发表讲话,他要求该机构紧急处理关于北京严重违规行为的指控。 China attempted on Thursday to block a prominent Uighur activist from speaking at the United Nations Human Rights Council, where he demanded the body urgently address allegations of serious violations by Beijing.

New UN rights chief opens ‘communication’ with China | Human Rights News | Al Jazeera. 新任联合国人权事务负责人开启与中国的“沟通”
Volker Türk 的第一次演讲没有达到活动人士希望在联合国报告新疆暴行后采取更强硬立场的希望。新任联合国人权事务负责人开启与中国的“沟通”
Volker Türk 的第一次演讲没有达到活动人士希望在联合国报告新疆暴行后采取更强硬立场的希望。

https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/3/7/new-un-rights-chief-opens-communication-with The new United Nations human rights chief has said his office has opened “channels of communication” to help follow up on concerns about the rights of minorities in the western Xinjiang region of China, including Uighur Muslims and Tibetans. 新任联合国人权事务负责人表示,他的办公室已经开通了“沟通渠道”,以帮助跟进对中国西部新疆地区少数民族权利的担忧,包括维吾尔族穆斯林和藏族人。