中国正在窃取西藏的地下水,并将其卖回给西藏人,西藏人之前是免费获得的。在其中一则广告中,人们看到一名年轻的西藏游牧妇女在宣传一种中国品牌的瓶装水,该瓶装水实际上来自西藏。 China is stealing Tibet’s groundwater and selling it back to Tibetans, who previously got it for free. In one of the ads, a young Tibetan nomad woman was seen promoting a Chinese brand of bottled water that is actually sourced from Tibet.
Very Chinese like behavior , 非常中国人喜欢的行为 中华民族的行动。This is the way how Chinese can living in the World now 这就是中国人现在在世界上生活的方式。