在外国部门会见香港媒体大亨吉米·赖的儿子后,中国抨击了英国的“恶意意图” China blasts UK’s ‘malicious intentions’ after foreign sec. meets son of Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai – Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

75岁的英国公民、现已关闭的小报《苹果日报》的创始人Lai自2020年以来一直在香港坐牢,等待根据有争议的国家安全法涉嫌“与外国势力勾结”的审判。 Lai, a 75-year-old British citizen and founder of the now-shuttered tabloid Apple Daily, has been behind bars in Hong Kong since 2020, awaiting trial for alleged “collusion with foreign forces” under a controversial national security law. — Read on hongkongfp.com/2023/12/13/china-blasts-uks-malicious-intentions-after-foreign-sec-meets-son-of-hong-kong-media-mogul-jimmy-lai/

中国用塑料瓶向西藏人出售西藏水是骗局 China selling water from Tibet in plastic bottles to Tibetans is scam: Report – ThePrint –

中国正在窃取西藏的地下水,并将其卖回给西藏人,西藏人之前是免费获得的。在其中一则广告中,人们看到一名年轻的西藏游牧妇女在宣传一种中国品牌的瓶装水,该瓶装水实际上来自西藏。 China is stealing Tibet’s groundwater and selling it back to Tibetans, who previously got it for free. In one of the ads, a young Tibetan nomad woman was seen promoting a Chinese brand of bottled water that is actually sourced from Tibet. — Read on theprint.in/world/china-selling-water-from-tibet-in-plastic-bottles-to-tibetans-is-scam-report/1610598/ Very Chinese like behavior , 非常中国人喜欢的行为 中华民族的行动。This is […]

云南抗议:清真寺关闭与安全部队发生冲突 Yunnan protest: Mosque closure sees clashes with security forces – BBC News

周六,社交媒体视频显示,纳古镇13世纪的纳家英清真寺外有人群。警察和当地人之间爆发了混战,他们被数百名武装警察所控制。云南是中国南方一个种族多样化的省份,拥有大量穆斯林人口。中国正式成为无神论者,政府表示允许宗教自由。但观察人士表示,近年来,对有组织宗教的镇压有所增加——北京正在寻求更大的控制。Social media videos showed crowds outside the 13th-century Najiaying Mosque in Nagu town on Saturday.Scuffles broke out between police and locals, who were hemmed in by hundreds of armed officers.Yunnan, an ethnically-diverse province in southern China, has a significant Muslim population.China is officially atheist and the government says it allows religious freedom. But observers say […]