在外国部门会见香港媒体大亨吉米·赖的儿子后,中国抨击了英国的“恶意意图” China blasts UK’s ‘malicious intentions’ after foreign sec. meets son of Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai – Hong Kong Free Press HKFP

75岁的英国公民、现已关闭的小报《苹果日报》的创始人Lai自2020年以来一直在香港坐牢,等待根据有争议的国家安全法涉嫌“与外国势力勾结”的审判。 Lai, a 75-year-old British citizen and founder of the now-shuttered tabloid Apple Daily, has been behind bars in Hong Kong since 2020, awaiting trial for alleged “collusion with foreign forces” under a controversial national security law. — Read on hongkongfp.com/2023/12/13/china-blasts-uks-malicious-intentions-after-foreign-sec-meets-son-of-hong-kong-media-mogul-jimmy-lai/

香港:两名涉嫌藏有「煽动」儿童读物被捕Hong Kong: two arrested for possessing ‘seditious’ children’s book

https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/17/hong-kong-two-arrested-for-possessing-seditious-childrens-book 据《明报》报道,这些出版物是从英国寄往香港的,是2019年动乱时香港人像羊一样试图保护自己的村庄免受狼的侵害的连环画儿童书籍的几本。 明报周三援引警方的话说,两人已被保释,但下个月必须向警方报案。 2022年,五名语言治疗师因涉嫌”策划出版、发行、展示三本具有煽动性意图的书”,被判处有期徒刑19个月,被法院判决为煽动性。 警方当时警告家长销毁这些书,因为他们”太激进,灌输给孩子们思想,使他们无法对抗和反对政府”。 The Chinese-language Mingpao newspaper reported that the publications were sent from Britain to Hong Kong and were several copies of illustrated children’s books in a series that portrayed Hongkongers during the 2019 unrest as sheep trying to defend their village from wolves, an apparent reference to the mainland Chinese authorities. […]

Three organisers jailed over Hong Kong vigil for Tiananmen Square victims 三名组织者因香港为天安门广场受害者守夜而入狱

Chow Hang-tung, Tang Ngok-kwan and Tsui Hon-kwong were jailed for failing to comply with a national security law. — Read on www.newschainonline.com/news/world-news/three-organisers-jailed-over-hong-kong-vigil-for-tiananmen-square-victims-325159 The three were arrested in 2021 during a crackdown on the city’s pro-democracy movement following massive protests more than three years ago. They were leaders of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic […]

Democracy ‘on trial’ as Hong Kong 47 prepare to face court | Politics News | Al Jazeera 随着香港47人准备面对法庭,民主“正在受审”

Picked up in a dawn raid two years ago, the activists and politicians are charged over an unofficial primary. — Read on www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/3/democracy-on-trial-as-hong-kong-47-prepare-to-face-court 在两年前的黎明突袭中,活动家和政治家因非官方初选而受到指控。

Hong Kong’s last democrats: Activists fight for freedom despite Beijing’s crackdown – Focus 香港最后的民主党人:尽管北京镇压,但活动家仍在为自由而战

What’s left of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement? Since the implementation of the 2020 National Security law, police have been arresting anti-regime activists en masse. Most are now in prison or in… — Read on www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/focus/20230130-hong-kong-s-last-democrats-activists-fight-for-freedom-despite-beijing-s-crackdown What’s left of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement? Since the implementation of the 2020 National Security law, police have been arresting […]

Hong Kong furious as protest song replaces China anthem at match | Politics News | Al Jazeera

‘Glory to Hong Kong’, adopted during the 2019 mass protests, has been all but outlawed in the Chinese territory. — Read on www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/11/14/hong-kong-furious-as-protest-song-replaces-china-anthem-at-match

Reading Hong Kongers form 170-person long human chain in town centre protest Protestors lined the streets of Reading on Sunday following an incident outside the Chinese consulate in Manchester

阅读香港人在市中心形成170人长链抗议在中国驻曼彻斯特领事馆外发生了一起事件后,星期天雷丁大街上的抗议者排起了长队 https://www.getreading.co.uk/news/reading-berkshire-news/reading-hong-kongers-form-170-25338510 Around 170 protesters formed a human chain in Reading town centre on Sunday, October 23. Reading Hong Kongers from the group Reading UK Stands with Hong Kong took to Broad Street to protest against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Many Hongkongers fled their country in 2021 and arrived in the UK – which […]