中国的监控国家依赖于人,而不是相机 China’s Surveillance State Depends on People, Not Cameras – Bloomberg

Technology has supercharged the country’s surveillance capabilities. But its spying prowess depends on more old-fashioned tools. 技术增强了该国的监控能力。但它的间谍能力取决于更多的老式工具。 — Read on 中国在互相监视。这是中国的传统民族文化。 Chine’s spying on each other. This is China’s traditional ethnic culture. 华为、微信、斗英是中国中共最受欢迎的间谍工具公司。 Huawei, WeChat , douying is the popular spying tool companies for china’s CCP.

China steps up political control over religious venues, sermons and activities | 中国加强了对宗教场所、布道和活动的政治控制 American Military News

According to new rules taking effect from Sept. 1, monasteries, temples, mosques, churches and other religious activity venues are required to support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and leader Xi Jinping’s plans for the “sinicization” of religious activity. 根据9月1日生效的新规则,需要修道院、寺庙、清真寺、教堂和其他宗教活动场所来支持中国共产党的领导层和习近平领导人的宗教活动“新化”计划。 — Read on

The Great Leap Backwards of media in China 中国媒体向后的巨大飞跃· Global Voices

最新版本于2023年5月发布。2022年初,RSF还发表了一份名为“中国新闻业大跃进”的报告,讽刺地提到了毛泽东的大跃进,在1958-1962年,最终导致了大规模饥荒和数百万人死亡。 the latest of which was released in May 2023. In early 2022, RSF also published a report called “The Great Leap Backwards of Journalism in China,” an ironic reference to Mao’s Great Leap Forward that, in 1958–1962, eventually led to massive starvation and millions of deaths. — Read on

报告新冠肺炎的中国人将在3年后被释放 Chinese who reported on COVID to be released after 3 years – ABC News

Chinese authorities are preparing to release a man who disappeared three years ago after publicizing videos of overcrowded hospitals and bodies during the COVID-19 outbreak — Read on 2020年初,最初的新冠肺炎疫情摧毁了中国中部湖北省1100万居民所在的武汉市。在76天的封锁下,除了救护车和安全人员外,其街道空无一人数月。 当时,少数公民记者试图用智能手机和社交媒体帐户讲述他们和其他人的故事,无视共产党严格监管的信息垄断。虽然他们的运动很小,但规模在中国之前的任何重大疾病爆发或灾难中都是前所未有的。 In early 2020, the initial COVID outbreak devastated the city of Wuhan, home to 11 million residents, in central China’s Hubei province. Under a […]

中国希望人工智能只说共产党的好话 China Wants AI to Only Say Nice Things About Communist Party

人工智能必须反映中国的“社会主义核心价值观”,避免破坏“国家力量”, AI must reflect China’s “socialist core values” and avoid undermining “state power,” according to proposed rules reported by The New York Times. — Read on Opinion : This is China 这是中国

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness | American Military News 中国强迫记者参加考试,以展示忠诚、政治正确性

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness — Read on 申请人必须支持中国共产党的领导,认真学习、宣传和贯彻习近平关于中国特色社会主义新时代的思想,坚决贯彻党的理论、路线、原则和政策,坚持正确的政治方向和舆论指导。”

U.S. crackdown on Chinese forced labor hits solar industry 镇压旨在惩罚中国在新疆全省治疗维吾尔人和其他少数民族的行为,并相应地削弱了美国太阳能市场并冻结了其供应链。

Intended to punish China for its treatment of Uyghurs and other minorities across Xinjiang province, the crackdown has had the corresponding effect of crippling the U.S. solar market and freezing its supply chain. — Read on 自去年6月针对中国制造商的强迫劳动法生效以来,美国海关和边境巡逻官员已经扣押了价值约13亿美元的进口商品, Captured from article Captured from article