世卫组织官员批评中国缺乏大流行病的起源的透明度”不可原谅” WHO official criticizes China’s ‘inexcusable’ lack of transparency on pandemic’s origins


范克霍夫并不是第一次对中国缺乏新冠肺炎的透明度大声疾呼,也不是唯一一个呼吁中国公开大流行开始的世界领导人。 今年3月,范克尔霍夫向《科学》杂志描述,世卫组织迟来的中国市场数据发现”令人愤怒”,称缺乏合作”可怕得要命”。 美国明尼苏达大学传染病研究与政策中心主任、总统任期内乔·拜登的新冠肺炎特别工作组成员迈克尔·奥斯特霍尔姆博士表示:”范·克霍夫的社论将WHO记录在案。” “这会不会成为中国分享更多东西的令人信服的动力呢? 不,他们会做他们要做的事情,”奥斯特霍尔姆说。 “我并不乐观,”他补充道。 This is not the first time Van Kerkhove has been vocal about China’s lack of transparency about Covid, nor is she the only world leader to call on China to be forthcoming about the beginnings of the pandemic. In March, Van Kerkhove described to Science WHO’s late discovery of the Chinese data about […]

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness | American Military News 中国强迫记者参加考试,以展示忠诚、政治正确性

China forces journalists to take exam to demonstrate loyalty, political correctness — Read on americanmilitarynews.com/2023/01/china-forces-journalists-to-take-exam-to-demonstrate-loyalty-political-correctness/ 申请人必须支持中国共产党的领导,认真学习、宣传和贯彻习近平关于中国特色社会主义新时代的思想,坚决贯彻党的理论、路线、原则和政策,坚持正确的政治方向和舆论指导。”

China’s Epidemic of Mistrust: How Xi Jinping’s COVID-19 U-Turn Will Make the Country Harder to Govern 中国的不信任疫情 习近平的新冠肺炎U型转弯将如何使国家更难治理

China’s Epidemic of Mistrust How Xi’s COVID-19 U-Turn Will Make the Country Harder to Govern — Read on www.foreignaffairs.com/china/china-epidemic-mistrust-xi-jinping-covid-19 然而,COVID-19危机可能是一个例外。习近平坚持零新冠病毒,这不仅是他的标志性政策,也是中国制度优越性的证明。现在整个政策大厦都崩溃了,很难看出他怎么能捡起碎片。这一错误的全部代价尚不清楚——不断上升的社会不满最终可能会削弱该党精英的凝聚力——但很难想象该党自己摆脱这场危机,完全毫发无损。

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no | The Straits Times 美国一直向中国提供新冠肺炎疫苗,但中国一直说不

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no — Read on www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/the-us-keeps-offering-china-its-covid-19-vaccines-but-china-keeps-saying-no 在北京与快速蔓延的新冠肺炎浪潮作斗争时,中国拒绝了美国一再提出的分享先进疫苗的提议,这种拒绝导致担心疫情死灰复燃的美国官员越来越沮丧。 据要求在讨论审议时不愿透露姓名的美国官员称,美国担心新变种的兴起及其对中国经济的影响,多次通过私人渠道向习近平主席政府提供mRNA疫苗和其他援助。

China is ‘under-representing’ the true number of coronavirus deaths since it scrapped Zero-Covid policies, 世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,自从中国废除零新冠肺炎政策以来,新冠肺炎死亡人数”不足”

https://twitter.com/jenniferzeng97/status/1610218786149236737?s=20&t=RZ-pWvbmxwQQpCkFpm_aLgThe World Health Organization has criticised China for ‘under-representing’ the true number of coronavirus deaths since it scrapped its ‘zero-Covid’ policies. In a rare rebuke of Beijing, the UN agency said on Wednesday China was using a ‘very narrow’ definition of Covid deaths, warning that official statistics were not showing the true impact of the massive on-going outbreak sweeping the country. […]

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion | Daily Mail Online 随着尸体堆积在火葬场和殡仪馆,中国家庭“开始在街上焚烧亲人的尸体”

Chinese families ‘start burning bodies of their loved ones in the streets’ amid Covid explosion as corpses pile up in crematoriums and funeral homes — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11597955/Chinese-families-start-burning-bodies-loved-ones-streets-amid-Covid-explosion.html   video from dailymail website :  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11597955/Chinese-families-start-burning-bodies-loved-ones-streets-amid-Covid-explosion.html#v-4480986981356584635   据报道,由于紧急服务及火葬场未能容纳大量死者,市民被迫在街上焚烧家人尸体。 真让人心碎 #CHINA: The #COVID outbreak is reportedly forcing people to burn the bodies of their families members on […]

Peak China? by Joseph S. Nye, Jr. – Project Syndicate

Joseph S. Nye, Jr. considers the country’s long-term prospects of competing with America following its latest stumbles. — Read on www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/peak-china-debate-calls-for-careful-assessment-by-joseph-s-nye-2023-01 中国零新冠病毒政策的失败正在导致对中国实力的重新评估。直到最近,许多人预计到2030年或之后不久,中国的GDP将超过美国。但现在,一些分析师认为,即使中国实现了这一目标,美国也将再次飙升。那么,我们已经见证了“中国高峰”了吗?

Wild claim as Chinese tourists to return to Australia

China has been accused of a sinister act as Chinese tourists are set to travel the world for the first time in three years. — Read on au.news.yahoo.com/infect-us-all-wild-claim-as-chinese-tourists-to-return-to-australia-210918258.html

COVID origins ‘may have been tied’ to China’s bioweapons program: 新型冠状病毒的起源可能与中国生物武器计划有关

Republican House Intelligence Committee members allege in a report that there are indications that COVID-19 could be tied to China’s biological weapons research program. — Read on www.foxnews.com/politics/covid-origins-may-have-been-tied-chinas-bioweapons-program-gop-report “与[情报部门]解密报告的含义相反,根据我们对各种公开和非公开信息的调查,我们得出的结论是,有迹象表明,SARS-CoV-2可能与中国的生物武器研究计划有关,并在实验室相关期间蔓延到人口中。报告摘要说:”这起事件发生在武汉病毒研究所。 他说:「集成电路未能在最新的分类评估中充分处理这些资料。 当我们试图向IC提出问题时,IC没有做出回应。”      

House Republicans suggest link between COVID-19 and China bioweapons program | Daily Mail Online

They also issued a harsh rebuke of US intelligence agencies, whom they accused of misleading the public and ‘downplaying’ information when they suggested the virus likely had no bioweapon origins. — Read on www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11539933/House-Republicans-suggest-link-COVID-19-China-bioweapons-program.html

China says spread of Covid ‘impossible’ to track as infections soar in Beijing | China | The Guardian 中国卫生当局表示,现在“无法”追踪 Covid-19 在中国的传播,并宣布他们已停止在日常统计中记录无症状病例。

All chinese and ccp said few month ago “We won over virus ! “ 几个月前,所有中国人和中共都说 “我们战胜了病毒!”   The spread of Covid-19 in China is now “impossible” to track, the country’s health authorities have said, announcing they have stopped recording asymptomatic cases in their daily tallies. 中国表示,随着北京地区感染人数剧增,新冠肺炎的传播情况”无法”追踪 由于新冠肺炎的严格政策突然结束,医疗用品和检查工具不足,保健当局停止了无症状病例记录。— Read on www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/14/china-says-spread-of-covid-impossible-to-track-as-infections-soar-in-beijing  

What’s going on China May, 2022

China’s industrial profits slump in April as COVID curbs squeeze firms 由于COVID遏制挤压企业,中国4月工业利润下滑 https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/chinas-industrial-profit-falls-sharply-april-amid-covid-curbs-2022-05-27/ Germany changing its China policy with higher priority for human rights, says minister部长称德国改变其对华政策更加重视人权 https://www.reuters.com/world/germany-changing-its-china-policy-with-higher-priority-human-rights-says-2022-05-24/ Japanese Universities Try to Prevent Espionage 去年,日本媒体报道称,有九名中国研究人员离开日本,回国从事国防工业工作。 他们研究过导弹技术。 https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/japanese-universities-try-to-prevent-espionage/6587628.html Beijing Detains Covid Lab Staff It Blames for Worsening Outbreak 北京拘留了Covid实验室工作人员,这归咎于疫情恶化 https://www.caixinglobal.com/2022-05-28/beijing-detains-covid-lab-staff-it-blames-for-worsening-outbreak-101891638.html China is Trying to Silence Activists in […]