Flood of the Century in Beijing! The World is shocked by footage from the capital of China! During disaster, there was no government in Beijing 北京世纪洪水! 中国首都的镜头震惊世界! 灾难期间,北京没有政府

At least 33 people have died in flooding in Beijing after Typhoon Doksuri hit northern China. Another 18 people are reported missing.This is the worst flood in recent years. All above reports came from China government but can’t believe CCP’s announcement because All people knows how much China manipulate the numbers during pandemic 台风“多克苏里”袭击中国北部后,北京已造成至少 33 […]

President Xi under pressure to take bold steps as China’s economy slows after surprise rate cut意外降息后中国经济放缓,习近平主席面临采取大胆措施的压力. 中国经济因习近平主席残酷的新冠封锁而陷入困境

https://www.livemint.com/news/world/president-xi-under-pressure-to-take-bold-steps-as-chinas-economy-slows-after-surprise-rate-cut-11692148048986.html The failure to revive confidence more broadly risks leading to economic pain that could blow back on Communist Party leaders. Last year saw a wave of mortgage boycotts and unprecedented protests against Xi himself as residents got fed up with the world’s strictest Covid-19 restrictions. Chinese authorities remain sensitive about the narrative over the […]

‘Not one inch’: Philippines’ DFA launches microsite on arbitral win vs China “没有一英寸”:菲律宾的DFA在对中国的仲裁胜利上推出微型网站

Seven years after the historic ruling, Manila comes out with a ‘central resource’ – containing submissions, transcripts, and mementos – documenting its win against China before the Permanent Court of Arbitration 在历史性裁决七年后,马尼拉拿出了一个“中心资源”——包含提交的材料、成绩单和纪念品——记录了其在常设仲裁法院对中国的胜利 — Read on www.rappler.com/nation/dfa-microsite-philippines-arbitral-tribunal-win-vs-china/

普京用核决定“羞辱”中国习近平:前大使 Putin ‘Humiliated’ China’s Xi With Nuclear Decision: Former Ambassador

据Michael McFaul周日报道,俄罗斯似乎忽视了与中国不将核武器部署到境外的协议。 Russia seems to have overlooked its agreement with China to not deploy nuclear weapons beyond their national borders, according to Michael McFaul on Sunday. — Read on www.newsweek.com/putin-humiliated-chinas-xi-nuclear-decision-former-ambassador-1790382 普京和[白俄罗斯总统亚历山大]卢卡申科都羞辱了习近平。记住,Luka刚刚对中国进行了一次花哨的国事访问。习近平刚来莫斯科。无法想象这个决定在北京进展顺利,” “Both Putin and [Belarusian President Alexander] Lukashenko humiliated Xi . Remember, Luka was just treated to a fancy state visit to China. Xi just […]

China’s Epidemic of Mistrust: How Xi Jinping’s COVID-19 U-Turn Will Make the Country Harder to Govern 中国的不信任疫情 习近平的新冠肺炎U型转弯将如何使国家更难治理

China’s Epidemic of Mistrust How Xi’s COVID-19 U-Turn Will Make the Country Harder to Govern — Read on www.foreignaffairs.com/china/china-epidemic-mistrust-xi-jinping-covid-19 然而,COVID-19危机可能是一个例外。习近平坚持零新冠病毒,这不仅是他的标志性政策,也是中国制度优越性的证明。现在整个政策大厦都崩溃了,很难看出他怎么能捡起碎片。这一错误的全部代价尚不清楚——不断上升的社会不满最终可能会削弱该党精英的凝聚力——但很难想象该党自己摆脱这场危机,完全毫发无损。

Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists | South China Morning Post 泰国开始筛查抵达者,以获得新冠肺炎疫苗接种证明,为中国游客的涌入做准备

Thailand starts screening arrivals for proof of Covid vaccinations as it braces for influx of Chinese tourists — Read on www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3206053/thailand-starts-screening-arrivals-proof-covid-vaccinations-it-braces-influx-chinese-tourists 从周一开始,所有飞往泰国的外国人必须出示至少两次注射的证据,或证明他们最近已经从病毒中康复 这些规则将适用到1月31日。这个东南亚国家预计将在未来三个月内迎来30万中国游客

Why do China’s ‘mild’ Covid symptoms feel so unbearable? | 为什么中国的“轻度”新冠肺炎症状感觉如此难以忍受?

By lumping asymptomatic and mild cases together, Beijing gave people the ‘wrong expectation’, experts say. — Read on www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3205869/why-do-chinas-mild-covid-symptoms-feel-so-unbearable 专家表示,通过将无症状和轻度病例混为一谈,北京给了人们“错误的期望” 中国的分类是“错误的、误导性的和不可接受的”:病毒学家 Opinion : Is he a real covid expert ? Then how come he and all Chinese people cheered up and proudly said ” We won over the war of covid ! ” until just […]

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no | The Straits Times 美国一直向中国提供新冠肺炎疫苗,但中国一直说不

The US keeps offering China its Covid-19 vaccines, but China keeps saying no — Read on www.straitstimes.com/asia/east-asia/the-us-keeps-offering-china-its-covid-19-vaccines-but-china-keeps-saying-no 在北京与快速蔓延的新冠肺炎浪潮作斗争时,中国拒绝了美国一再提出的分享先进疫苗的提议,这种拒绝导致担心疫情死灰复燃的美国官员越来越沮丧。 据要求在讨论审议时不愿透露姓名的美国官员称,美国担心新变种的兴起及其对中国经济的影响,多次通过私人渠道向习近平主席政府提供mRNA疫苗和其他援助。

Top engineers and scientists dying at an unprecedented rate in China after lifting of Covid controls | South China Morning Post 在中国,顶尖工程师和科学家在解除新冠病毒控制后以前所未有的速度死亡

The Chinese Academy of Engineering reported that 20 members have died in less than a month, compared with an average annual death rate of 16 One doctor in Beijing said academy members usually have privileged access to healthcare, but now there are no beds available to treat them — Read on www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3205736/top-engineers-and-scientists-dying-unprecedented-rate-china-after-lifting-covid-controls 中国工程院报告称,不到一个月就有20名成员死亡,而年均死亡率为16人 北京的一位医生说,学院成员通常有特权获得医疗保健,但现在没有床位来治疗他们

China is ‘under-representing’ the true number of coronavirus deaths since it scrapped Zero-Covid policies, 世界卫生组织(WHO)表示,自从中国废除零新冠肺炎政策以来,新冠肺炎死亡人数”不足”

https://twitter.com/jenniferzeng97/status/1610218786149236737?s=20&t=RZ-pWvbmxwQQpCkFpm_aLgThe World Health Organization has criticised China for ‘under-representing’ the true number of coronavirus deaths since it scrapped its ‘zero-Covid’ policies. In a rare rebuke of Beijing, the UN agency said on Wednesday China was using a ‘very narrow’ definition of Covid deaths, warning that official statistics were not showing the true impact of the massive on-going outbreak sweeping the country. […]

China says spread of Covid ‘impossible’ to track as infections soar in Beijing | China | The Guardian 中国卫生当局表示,现在“无法”追踪 Covid-19 在中国的传播,并宣布他们已停止在日常统计中记录无症状病例。

All chinese and ccp said few month ago “We won over virus ! “ 几个月前,所有中国人和中共都说 “我们战胜了病毒!”   The spread of Covid-19 in China is now “impossible” to track, the country’s health authorities have said, announcing they have stopped recording asymptomatic cases in their daily tallies. 中国表示,随着北京地区感染人数剧增,新冠肺炎的传播情况”无法”追踪 由于新冠肺炎的严格政策突然结束,医疗用品和检查工具不足,保健当局停止了无症状病例记录。— Read on www.theguardian.com/world/2022/dec/14/china-says-spread-of-covid-impossible-to-track-as-infections-soar-in-beijing