US steps up fight against Chinese overseas police 美国与中国海外警察服务中心的斗争 联邦调查局和司法部的三项起诉书一直针对这些由这些中国前哨管理的此类行动。 service centers

Such Chinese outposts represent China’s efforts to police its diaspora far beyond its borders which has caused a dispute. the FBI raid is the first known example of the authorities seizing materials from one of the outposts, reported ANI citing the US daily. ‘110 Overseas – China’s Transnational Policing Gone Wild’ was released by Madrid-based Safeguard Defenders in September 2022. This was later followed by case studies of how such stations had been used in persuasion operations in Spain and Serbia.
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据ANI援引美国日报报道,这些中国前哨代表了中国努力监管境外侨民,这引发了争议。据ANI报道,联邦调查局的突袭是当局从其中一个前哨没收材料的第一个已知例子。《110 Overseas – China’s Transnational Policing Gone Wild》于2022年9月由总部位于马德里的Safeguard Defenders发行。随后对西班牙和塞尔维亚的说服行动中如何使用这些站进行了案例研究。

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