Detained Chinese ‘spy’ says espionage work to Philippines began in 2016 被拘留的中国“间谍”表示,菲律宾的间谍工作始于2016年 |

Chinese spy She Zhijiang, currently detained in Thailand and fighting repatriation to China, claimed in an Al Jazeera documentary that he began his spy work in the Philippines in 2016 while evading Chinese authorities who had ordered his arrest for illegal gambling. 中国间谍She Zhijiang目前被拘留在泰国,正在与遣返中国作斗争,他在半岛电视台的一部纪录片中声称,他于2016年开始在菲律宾从事间谍工作,同时躲避因非法赌博而下令逮捕他的中国当局。 — Read on

‘A race against time’: Taiwan strives to root out China’s spies | Taiwan | “与时间赛跑”:台湾努力铲出中国的间谍 | 台湾 |

As Beijing has increased its efforts to recruit Taiwanese people, the number of spying cases has risen 随着北京加大招募台湾人的力度,间谍案件的数量有所增加 — Read on

中国公民正在以创纪录的速度淹没南部边境 Chinese Nationals Are Flooding Across Southern Border At Record Pace | The Daily Wire

上个月,创纪录的中国公民越过南部边境进入美国,打破了一个月前创下的纪录。A record number of Chinese nationals crossed the southern border into the United States last month, breaking the previous record that was set just a month prior. — Read on 中国的爱国主义去了哪里? 大多数中国人都想为了孩子尽可能地离开祖国。 中国人在互联网和现实生活中的爱国主义完全不同。 Where China’s Patriotism has gone ? Most of Chinese want to leave their home country as far as possible for their […]

TP LINK ROUTER 哦,看,你在不知不觉中为中国国家资助的网络战做出了贡献 Oh look, you’re unwittingly contributing to Chinese state-sponsored cyber-warfare | Laptop Mag

其结果神奇地将您值得信赖的个人无线路由器变成一个功能齐全的代理,供ner-do-wells随心所欲地使用和滥用。那么,谁是注入这种恶意代码的幕后黑手呢?据Check Point Research的安全侦探称,这场特别活动可以追溯到他们称之为“Camaro Dragon”的中国国家赞助的团体。事实证明,这是高级持续威胁(APT),而不是某种盗版宝可梦。—阅读 The result of which magically transforms your trusty personal wireless router into a fully functioning proxy for ner-do-wells to use and abuse as they please. So just who is behind the injection of this malicious code? According to the security sleuths at Check Point Research, this particular campaign can be traced […]

US FCC bans sales, import of Chinese tech from Huawei, ZTE | AP News 美国联邦通信委员会禁止从华为、中兴通讯销售和进口中国科技

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. is banning the sale of communications equipment made by Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE and restricting the use of some China-made video surveillance systems, citing an “unacceptable risk” to national security. — Read on

How China Spies 中国如何间谍

A new book shows that China uses private intel mercenaries. If true, this would be the outsourcing of intelligence gathering. — Read on China’s Espionage: Methods and Goals My experiences prompted me to read Chinese Espionage: Operations and Tactics by the pioneering Nicholas Eftimiades. The author does yeoman’s work and offers the free world an important […]