How China Spies 中国如何间谍

A new book shows that China uses private intel mercenaries. If true, this would be the outsourcing of intelligence gathering.
— Read on

China’s Espionage: Methods and Goals

My experiences prompted me to read Chinese Espionage: Operations and Tactics by the pioneering Nicholas Eftimiades. The author does yeoman’s work and offers the free world an important service by painstakingly combing through publicly available information on how the PRC operates its vast foreign intelligence apparatus. He creates a monograph that every U.S. business professional and member of Congress should read – as should any person concerned about free markets and fair competition. I read it in one evening. It is only 56 pages, but that is more than enough. Eftimiades is trying to sound an alarm, not win a Man Booker Prize.

Analyzing 595 cases over a 10-year period, and using disparate data including U.S. Department of Justice filings, asset control briefs, import/export applications, and foreign government information, Eftimiades presents a compelling narrative of just how pervasive PRC intelligence is, what are its global goals, and how it has already co-opted private industry to advance its agenda.


我的经历促使我阅读了先驱Nicholas Eftimiades的《中国间谍:行动与战术》。作者做yeoman的工作,通过精心梳理公众提供的关于中华人民共和国如何运营其庞大的外国情报机构的信息,为自由世界提供重要服务。他创作了一本专著,每个美国商业专业人士和国会议员都应该阅读——任何关心自由市场和公平竞争的人都应该阅读。我在一个晚上读了它。它只有56页,但这绰绰有余。Eftimiades正试图发出警报,而不是赢得曼·布克奖。


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