中国用塑料瓶向西藏人出售西藏水是骗局 China selling water from Tibet in plastic bottles to Tibetans is scam: Report – ThePrint –

中国正在窃取西藏的地下水,并将其卖回给西藏人,西藏人之前是免费获得的。在其中一则广告中,人们看到一名年轻的西藏游牧妇女在宣传一种中国品牌的瓶装水,该瓶装水实际上来自西藏。 China is stealing Tibet’s groundwater and selling it back to Tibetans, who previously got it for free. In one of the ads, a young Tibetan nomad woman was seen promoting a Chinese brand of bottled water that is actually sourced from Tibet. — Read on Very Chinese like behavior , 非常中国人喜欢的行为 中华民族的行动。This is […]

中国带着这些危险产品来照顾我们的孩子 China is coming for our kids with these dangerous products | Fox News

中国是美国最大的芬太尼来源,其供应正在严重影响美国的年轻人。疾病控制和预防中心5月3日发布的数据显示,从2019年7月至12月到2021年7月至12月,涉及非法制造的芬太尼的过量死亡病例增长了182%。2021年,近7万名10-19岁的儿童死于芬太尼过量(有完整统计数据的最后一年),几乎是五年前的四倍。—在上阅读 China is the United States’ largest source of fentanyl, and its supply is affecting America’s youth significantly. Data released on May 3 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrates that cases of overdose deaths involving illicitly manufactured fentanyl were up 182 percent from July-December 2019 to July-December 2021. Nearly 70,000 kids aged 10-19 died […]

习近平是个好领导人吗? 中国聊天机器人是这样回答的 Is Xi Jinping a good leader? Here is what Chinese chatbot answered For experimenting, WSJ talked to four Chinese chatbots. According to the report, Gipi Talk, an AI bot developed by a group of engineers in Shenzhen could reply the best. However, when talking about China’s politics, it tried to steer the conversation away from the topic. Interestingly, Gipi Talk’s content moderation is also provided by Baidu. Here […]

China reportedly stole US military technology for its J-20 fighter 据报道,中国为其J-20战斗机窃取了美国军事技术

China ripped off United States military technology to build an advanced high-tech jet fighter, and experts warn that more must be done to protect American weapons information to keep Beijing from making such huge development leaps in the future, according to a report on Thursday. — Read on

How China Spies 中国如何间谍

A new book shows that China uses private intel mercenaries. If true, this would be the outsourcing of intelligence gathering. — Read on China’s Espionage: Methods and Goals My experiences prompted me to read Chinese Espionage: Operations and Tactics by the pioneering Nicholas Eftimiades. The author does yeoman’s work and offers the free world an important […]