Encounters of Chinese Nationals at Southern Border Outpace Past 2 Years Combined 中国公民过去两年在南部边境外滩的遭遇汇总表

Chinese nationals are arriving at America’s southern border in exploding numbers.

In January 2022, U.S. Customs and Border Protection says, it encountered 89 illegal aliens from the People’s Republic of China on the southern border. That number grew over tenfold last month, to 1,084.

A similar increase has occurred in encounters with illegal immigrants from Russia, with CBP reporting 1,030 in January 2022, but over four times that—4,509—last month.

It is a “source of concern” when an influx of migrants attempts to enter America illegally from a country “that we know isn’t on our side,” Andrew Arthur, a resident fellow in law and policy for the Center for Immigration Studies, told The Daily Signal.

The likely reason for the border surge of Chinese and Russian migrants, Arthur said, is that “word’s gone out around the world that the southwest border is open.”

Since fiscal year 2023 began Oct. 1, Customs and Border Protection says it has has encountered 2,999 Chinese nationals on the southern border, outpacing the combined total of 2,626 for fiscal years 2021 and 2022.

Arthur, who previously worked as an immigration judge, said he saw Chinese nationals in his courtroom who commonly paid “upward of $60,000 to $70,000 to have the opportunity to make it to the southwest border.”

One of the reasons for the increase of Chinese nationals at the border is that “the human smugglers have cracked the China market,” said Michael Cunningham, a research fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Asian Studies Center. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.)

“The China market is more lucrative,” Cunningham said, adding that smugglers charge Chinese nationals more to be brought across the border, simply because they can.

Cunningham told The Daily Signal that he doesn’t think the increase in illegal aliens from China indicates the communist regime is trying to send large numbers of spies into the U.S. Instead, he points to China’s political climate and extreme COVID-19 policies that likely spur Chinese nationals to flee.

“The border crisis [has] been ongoing for years under [President Joe] Biden,” Cunningham said. “The Chinese government is never this far behind the curve. So, I can’t say they haven’t been exploiting it, but if they have, then they have been all along.”

But Cunningham said that fears over China’s sending spies across America’s southern border are “a reasonable concern to have and … it’s just one of the reasons why it’s so important that the Biden administration start taking the border seriously, and that our country takes its sovereignty seriously.”

Concern over the threat China poses to America has been heightened because of the Chinese spy balloon that traveled across the country before a U.S. fighter jet was ordered to shoot it down over the Atlantic Ocean on Feb. 4.

“Everybody’s focused on, you know, Chinese spy balloons going over the United States,” the Center for Immigration Studies’ Arthur said, adding that it is “the job of the federal government to protect all of our borders, be they land borders, sea borders, or from above.”


美国海关和边境保护局说,在2022年1月,它在南部边界上遇到了89名来自中华人民共和国的非法外国人。 上个月,这一数字增长了十倍多,达到1084人。


移民研究中心的法律和政策常驻研究员安德鲁·阿瑟(Andrew Arthur)对《每日信号报》说,当大量移民试图从一个”我们知道不属于我们的国家”非法进入美国时,这是一个”令人担忧的问题”。




传统基金会亚洲研究中心研究员迈克尔·坎宁安(Michael Cunningham)说,边境的中国公民数量增加的原因之一是”人口走私者已经攻破了中国市场。”



坎宁安说:”在拜登总统领导下,边境危机已经持续多年。 “中国政府从来没有这么落后过。 因此,我不能说他们没有利用它,但如果他们利用了,那么他们就一直利用它。”




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