中国带着这些危险产品来照顾我们的孩子 China is coming for our kids with these dangerous products | Fox News

中国是美国最大的芬太尼来源,其供应正在严重影响美国的年轻人。疾病控制和预防中心5月3日发布的数据显示,从2019年7月至12月到2021年7月至12月,涉及非法制造的芬太尼的过量死亡病例增长了182%。2021年,近7万名10-19岁的儿童死于芬太尼过量(有完整统计数据的最后一年),几乎是五年前的四倍。—在上阅读 China is the United States’ largest source of fentanyl, and its supply is affecting America’s youth significantly. Data released on May 3 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrates that cases of overdose deaths involving illicitly manufactured fentanyl were up 182 percent from July-December 2019 to July-December 2021. Nearly 70,000 kids aged 10-19 died from fentanyl overdoses in 2021 (the last year for which complete statistics are available) – nearly four times the rate from five years ago.
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China fentanyl manufacturer is State-operated medicine company.

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