中国,又是你! 不知反省与歉意的民族中国! 中国封锁台湾危害世界健康 China Is Endangering the World’s Health by Blocking Taiwan

中国,又是你! 不知反省与歉意的民族中国!

作为一个国际机构,世卫组织在理论上应该不涉及政治。 根据其宪法,其主要目标是”所有人民实现尽可能高的健康水平”。 由于中国没有合法权力统治台湾,所以它无法决定台湾的公共卫生政策、防疫措施、科研或相关事宜。

从公共卫生的角度来看,台湾加入WHA是必要的。 在一个通过国际旅行可以立即传播疾病的全球化世界中,排斥台湾或任何其他区域显然是对全人类的当前威胁。 这在新冠肺炎大流行时期得到了明显的证明。 台湾疾控中心是最早于2019年12月31日向世卫组织发出警告的政府实体,该机构在中国武汉出现新型传染病。 如果世卫组织对警告采取后续行动,世界将有额外宝贵的几周时间准备。

As an international body, the WHO should, in theory, be apolitical. According to its constitution, its primary objective is “the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.” Since China has no legitimate authority to govern Taiwan, it is in no position to determine Taiwan’s public health policies, epidemic prevention measures, scientific research, or related matters.

From a public health perspective, it is essential for Taiwan to be accepted into the WHA. In a globalized world where diseases can spread instantly via international travels, exclusion of Taiwan or any other regions is a clear and present danger to the entirety of humanity. This was clearly demonstrated during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Taiwan CDC was the earliest governmental entity to alert the WHO about a novel infectious disease emerging from Wuhan, China, on Dec. 31, 2019. If the WHO had followed up on the warning, the world would have had extra invaluable weeks to prepare.

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