TP LINK ROUTER 哦,看,你在不知不觉中为中国国家资助的网络战做出了贡献 Oh look, you’re unwittingly contributing to Chinese state-sponsored cyber-warfare | Laptop Mag

其结果神奇地将您值得信赖的个人无线路由器变成一个功能齐全的代理,供ner-do-wells随心所欲地使用和滥用。那么,谁是注入这种恶意代码的幕后黑手呢?据Check Point Research的安全侦探称,这场特别活动可以追溯到他们称之为“Camaro Dragon”的中国国家赞助的团体。事实证明,这是高级持续威胁(APT),而不是某种盗版宝可梦。—阅读 The result of which magically transforms your trusty personal wireless router into a fully functioning proxy for ner-do-wells to use and abuse as they please. So just who is behind the injection of this malicious code? According to the security sleuths at Check Point Research, this particular campaign can be traced back to the Chinese state-sponsored group they’ve labeled “Camaro Dragon.” Which, as it turns out is an Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) and not some sort of bootleg Pokémon.
— Read on

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